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The Beyond Branding blog

September 13, 2003

The Other Washington DC 

When the politicians are on holidays, Washington DC is one of the most many nationed cities on earth- and there is nothing as exciting to learn from as when people of 2 or more nations sit down and talk to each other as inquiring people not as powers. There are spaces & journalists capable of developing and transcribing smart & caring intellectual debates (& libraries with history unique in the world), activist groups that know their issues networked in from the grassroots, there are Associations representing almost anything man has ever worked on and with the National Institute of Health a few miles out in Maryland at least one practice domain that should be driven by understanding people needs. Suppose for a moment you took political parties and lobbying practices and arms races out of the picture - and also took out national rivalries of the sort that are increasingly making it look like America has a unilateral view of what our globe is for - where could people go and network and make sense of things starting from defining what the human problems really are? Tell me bookmarks to places worth spending time meeting people who want to make the world more human again -and any ideas on how to develop open cooperation between the best that each institute (venerable or young) is capable of sharing?
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