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The Beyond Branding blog

September 10, 2003


Draft Living Script - terminology a living script is such a vital aide memoire to common sense and humanity that everyone should carry it around - pity they dont print living scripts on bank notes! This one's still in dratfing before it would be short enough for that bonding) but do chat with me about it if it means anything to you - chris macrae at ( I will amend it here to account for all great editing suggestions)


Win-win is the basic (trust-flow) dynamic of value exchange – relationships only sustain value when both sides continuously gain an the leadership of where this is going is open and worth trust of each side

Win-win-win systematically ( 1) extends win-win to so that there is gain on every side which is knowingly attracted to the gravity of an organisational’s identity and purpose – by knowingly we mean an organisation intended such relationship attraction by making a promise either directly to that people group or because of what its essence in the world is branded as (ie what the world would truly miss if this organisation did not exist?)

Win-win-win is also the basic question of innovation – what else can this be positively connected to so that the system resolves something that others saw as separate (ie didn’t know) or opposite (ie conflicting and so value destroying) . There are various literature and human common sense sources for this including:

1) quite tangibly trade exchange used to build value by linking geographies and their produce that hadn’t previously been connected; today most innovation connects ideas that hadn’t previously been connected

2) the literature of conflict resolution uses the basic maths of every conflict is an opportunity to find a more valuable higher ground from which the opposites can be resolved

3) intangibles and network models of the value of a business are all about connectivity of a system and its interactions being more than its parts; they are also about resolving the idea of organisation which used to be invest in machines and treat people as costs but in knowledge industries has higher value by investing in people and seeing machines as costs; here too we have the interesting possibilities of win-wins (of the world before networking and the world with networking) : such as learning isn’t consumed but multiplied; digital learning is replicable once captured at almost no cost; and globalisation provides people the chance to connect with world’s best and local best ; win-win emotional energies and everyone seeing the same information becoming greater locus of competition than imprisoning people’s greatest energies and not sharing information; also win-wins of collaboration (eg on risk) as well as competition (on benefits) ; and fully understanding win-win of society and economics

4) win-win-win (what else does this connect) is the systematic question people use to change business planning of a short-term (and sometimes backward assumption driven mode) to a sustainable and wholly innovative exploration of what we could do if we all agreed why our leadership idea has human greatness in every local context

win-win turns a paradox into an advantage, and provided an organisation knows it core energises its people to selectively take advantage of the greatest relevant changes rather than fear them

Both win-win and win-lose are fundamentally multipliers of value rather than add or subtract. They require totally different governance and planning than accounting’s transactional model which assumes nothing interacts. Almost every major corporate implosion of value can be explained by thinking something was separable and additive rather than connected and multiplicative. Conversely almost every great investment opportunity now needs win-win-win visioning so that every person attracted by the gravity of the unique idea or purpose can work to multiply its value

This is why intangibles governance is different systemically and why we propose the need to map and organise everyone’s time around openly navigating a 10-win relationship model of the 5 main human productivities and the 5 stakeholders who demand value. And this is why we now need the shared governance win-win-win of audit cashflow and audit trust-flow and then Communal/Leadership Knowledge Management reconciles value of living system’s next communications and behaviours everywhere people interact
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