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The Beyond Branding blog

February 04, 2004

The Organisations we spend our lifetime's with 

We spend our lives serving and being served by organisations. Democracy involves choosing the typology of organisations we want to live with. The choices catalogued below are stark opposites- of course there are in betweens. However, I invite you first to suggest another stark opposite to feature in this catalogue. Knowing what choices we have in the organisations we structure and compound is the first step to making Brand Knowledge an inclusive discipline that we can all trust and be proud to commune around. We can then openly benchmark which sorts of methods systemise which sorts of organsiational typologies.

Hi-trust organisations where people live the brand by sharing the most vital news and value purposeful behavioursLow-trust organisations where lots of politics is played between people. Crucially when an error is made or the environment changes, nobody has the courage to pass this knowledge up the organisation, nor would such messengers be rewarded.
Openly truthful organisations which choose the stakeholders and promises that they make so that all the value demands support (win-win) with each other Organisations, which knowingly or unknowingly brand more promises than they can keep or have included a most powerful stakeholder whose demands become incompatible with others over time
Organisations which wish to contribute to the global impact of their industry recognising that the relationship connectivities of an increasing networked world make the dynamics of tranparency at the borders with partnering organsiations ever more vital over time because the world is too big and too fast changing for any organsiation to be a knowledge islandOrganisations that believe that need to know is more important than evolving transparency, and who are prepared to outsource the responsibility for the dirtiest or riskiest parts of their global industry. The leadership attitude is we get to be the biggest by never being seen to be involved with where the greatest responsibilities lie. Perception not reality-making is all we aim in conceptualising brand leadership

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