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March 28, 2004

Worst ad campaign of year so far 

Obviously this is a competition -email me your nomination at

Example UK government is wasting taxpayers money with a campaign designed to get people to vote. What's worst is its well executed to propagate its lie. Two cartoon men: one asks the other a question; the other cuts the conversation off with "I dont do politics". The rest of the ad is 6 stories where the second guy tries to start a conversation, and is reminded he doesnt do politics so what's the point of talking with him about A, B, C, D

what ****ing arrogance- doesnt government know yet that the main reason for voter apathy is that a vote giving a party carte blache to represent every decision for the next 5 years is well past the sell-by debate of what democracy means- especially with a choice of governments like we have in the Uk whose decisions no longer listen to the people before big business interests. I suggest taxpayers send an invoice to 10 Downing Street To Tony Blair for the price of this ad campaign copy the Inland Revenue. Tell me if you are game to post or in any other way revolution against such a patronising campaign paid for by us the common folk
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