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The Beyond Branding blog

April 16, 2004

If only we could play musical chairs with essences of place governments 

Remembering the only reason why the UN and the EU were given permission to launch was to help systemise peace all over the world, I would begin by moving half of the EU to the UN's site in New York and half of the UN to Brussels

The big question would be what to do with the other halfs; I think I would relocate them to the land that Israel now says it wont return to Palestinne building the headquarters of the 21st C UN there- that would be good for the local economy, for the political souls and for thence for the peoples. A silicon tower for open goverment and diversely deep democracies and cultures

Meanwhile Europeans could probably do with downsizing the local law-scripting powers of the EU by 99% so we could get back to celebrating our diversity whilst opening up a free market with such simple and transparenct rules that a 10 year old could understand, as well as pay 10% less in taxes at a stroke

After round 1, I confidently predict that a round 2 could imagine a 2 year secondment of the folks in the White House to Moscow, the folks in the Kremlin to Peking, and the folks in Peking to DC. And all the world's people would have reason for 3 cheers

The human attractions/authenticity of this all are so obvious that there must be a reason why developing all this movement and dialogue space would be a blindingly wrong way to lead. Still our human race never will understand potential concepts of one world identity and essence without someone suggesting a conversation in fool's mode. I look forward to hearing your most spirited ideas on helping the world to dance tunes all people could love. I am sure that if Robert Woodruffe's soul had been alive today he would have been rehearsing the world's biggest conversations through the mediation co-creativities that the open architectural permissions of the world's number 1 global brand affords. And then part 2 of the dcumentary could show that once a lifetime the sequel can be even more inspirational for humanity than the first real thing.

chris uk 0793 144 2446
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