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July 16, 2005

2005 Year Of Living Most Dangeroulsy - Seen from 1984 

Clinton (2005) : In my life now I am obsessed with 2 things: I dont want to see anyone die before their time and I dont want to see good people spend their nergies without making a difference

Back in 1984: the UK's leading economist, a science fiction writer, and a computer networking mapmaker and matheaticain wrore a futures book to 2025. 2005 figured as Globalisation's Year of Living Most Dangerously. Either the whole human race woke up to man's biggest risk as being discrepancy in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations, or we went the way of the dodo.

Let's be clear. There exists a maths of system exponentials in seeing how consequences compound through time and flows of trust or mi-trust. It cannot nail a 21 year forecast's date exactly. All our book's nearer forecasts of most importance have already come to pass. Good enough validatuion if you dont want to inspect the open source mathematical theory.

It can predict that globalisation as one all connecting system of every community and humanity on the globe will spin either good (greater productivities and rewards for all) or bad (extinction, unhapiness or drudgery for almost all). It can also predict that once globalisation netyworks gets too far along whichever exponential we make of it, turning the whole globe around will become next to impossible. We have say 5 years and then not only you and I but all our children will be stuck with the sort of globalsiation design we have webbed and spun. Networks are a new order literally multiplying what had been the powers of separate systems for good or bad. We could find you 1000 system experts that would say the same end game (mankind's final examination for many centuries happens now) allbeit in different words than Clinton's, Buckminster Fuller's Deming's or even one unknown Scot (me) or thousands I network with since 1994.

Now looking at any of the world's 1000 largest organisations - including nations, corporations, industry sectors, professions, media, bureaucratic NGO/ charities etc- there is abundant data showing distrust and inability to enable people to make the difference they could. We dont need to survey this again , we need worldwide humanitian action and shared mentoring that interconnects all communities. Now that sounds too big a job to get started on until we suggest a metaphor - what about starting with 100 atlases - each gravitated around deep human need - fresh water, end corruption, end terror, invent clean energy, liberate sustainable trade by getting rid of rigged apartheid compounding agricultural policies, or whatever your open hi-trust passion to make a differnce might start linking across the globe through dep communities and revelling in diversity.

We can do this. We will give away the conflict checking maths that ensures your atlas and action network stays on a sustainable exponential for all the people who truly connect theor time and competemces and passions. We can intorduce you to hundreds of other system frame-mappers - because system approaches are context deep, interfacing modules that do not get far enough on their own. This should not surprsie any reality-making communications expert - communities are not boxes of individuals, nor can relationships that compound growth over time be scored as every quarterly transactions summing up is the only maths in town, nor is any purpose with real human gravity controlled top-down instead of experienced every which way round that people can learn or do.

- most of these whole system experts can be inspired by deep need to give some iof not all their time needed provided your network is transparent and ownerhsip is by all for all.

Or do you have another idea worth trying? I'll try anything open once, and many more replicating times, if I can see how to join in working it in a way that multipoies trust as we go.
I wonder whether we have even five years. The inquiry seems still more pressing for me, and while the forgiveness of debts is a good step forward, the world still insists on the false valuations that we tried to fight in this book. There must be a way to wake the world up from the slumber, without the pain and hangover of another market crash.
   What we really need is a venture that is universally regarded as successful yet does well strictly in human, real-value terms, to get the message across. This will bring commerce closer to the consumer.  
A quiz in two halves

Which of these inconvenient truths of globalization do you buy into?

Truth 1: For centuries now, man has plunged into wars and other catastrophes; then picked himself up albeit at enormous costs to innocent people, and seemingly moved forward again

Truth 2: One way to define globalisation's biggest inconveneient truth is that there will come a plunge off a peak or a perfect storm of multiple tipping points, within a generation or two, that will leave no life to pick up and get started again, unless our species stops "plunging" headlong into crises

Truth 3: Globally, we plunge headlong into crises when we have no governance systems that attend to conflict resolution every quarter led with as much network-wide attention as extracting from the world each quarter

Truth 4 : We never want to hear again of a country, let alone a superpower, being led by a man of "faith" when he is governing a ship that is breaking the golden rule that unites all major religions and sustainable cultures: do unto others what you would want done unto your own children

Truth 5: Make Poverty History 1.0 was bound to be its own dispiriting disaster area because none of the 20th C organisational typlogies were fit to resolve any of the above crises as we race into the global village networking era -in which connectivity means we are ever more in each other's pockets

Truth 6: It would be a good idea to embark on a Make Poverty History 2.0 with everyone who joins in truly knowing that there will not be a chance of MPH 3.0

Why don't we web-log together fragments of a map that integrate to become MPH2.0 Underclaiming as we go. Let's try again with Africa but agreeing before we sail forth that the number 1 lesson is that citizen organisations -people serving people - not .govs and .coms and .fundraising global ngos - are going to be the loving heart and the energetic circulation of MPH's resolution

The good news is that at least 1500 social entrepreneurs have been working on this courageous type of mapmaking since 1978- each with a lifelong mission that patterns around some essential clusters of civil society - they have elected 6 leaders who have made 16 dvds on how to value the meta-systems that only citizen organisations can mix as anitdotes to where top-down bowling alone went so disastrously wrong as the 20th C ended. These new governing structures for and by people include the following zero tolerances:
*addiction and gun-law
*global sectors that have visions that are unsustainable at any global village
*mass media and imagery which steals the open spaces communities need to meet at large open space meetings and fearlessly discuss inconvenient truths celebrating every cross-culture that their place hosts
*professions that put money above hippocratic oaths; or separating their own business case instead of simply ensuring that disciplines truly flow
* the need to benchmark the ,ost humanising types of long-run (compound) investment be these micro (eg microfinance), macro (eg sustainability investment/vision of each global market), "inter" all entrepreneurial projects (starting up with 30000 catalogued here) focusing especially on those service franchises that can replicate interlocally across societies in most desperate context specific needs

Let's rehearse this before Africa becomes the World's Social Forum in Kneya, January 2007. The 16 dvds you need to google to be able to mentor others on true civil society are here

Once you've understood how they connect as the system-governing typology that can cure the conflict excesses of all other 20th C organisational typologies- come and practice locally transparent guidemaking all over Africa at

Africa is the test continent where the most children are crying out for the rest of the world to share a bit of humanity. Do not tell me that economics is performing anywhere around this globe while 25000 children die each day just because they were unlucky enough to be born and reared in a place that the rest of the world had forgot.

I absolutely accept -as we all could from Queen "Is Humanity Turning Itself" Elizabeth to Blair & Brown to governors of the BBC to Oxford as England's leading humanitarian city to shareholders of The Economist to every My Society to and all souls -that Britain owes Africa more debt than any other country (think how our empire first slave made, then extracted from small pockets of land with great mineral wealth leaving the native peopes deserts, then fled without putting hi-trust and cross-cultural governance structures in place first). So if the rest of wealthy Europe (bar transparency international in Berlin) isn't up for africaMPH, then all we ask is you don't spam us with noisy pretences that you are: -or better still forget what nation you identified with in the 20th C and come to map africa like Scottish explorer David Lovingstone did - as if you wish to sustain world citizenship by with and from every person whose trust you interact with.  
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