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October 19, 2005 Beyond Professions -Part 1
I wonder if The Economist has forgotten one of the simplest editorial rules my father taught there for nearly 40 years: if a society is to sustain a future it needs to learn from everyone’s past. One of the biggest lessons of societies that lost their sustainability is that those which the people had trusted to a professional monopoly turned against their Hippocratic oaths to serve the people. This systemically vicious turning point of corruption of human relations began when they decided to use their publically licensed monopoly to serve themselves and the most powerful in the land.
In 1984 my father and I wrote a future history of going global and local as a networking peoples. We mapped out the 2 opposite endgames which worldwide systemisation of humanity will have webbed by 2024 : the most inspiring time for 6 billion people to be alive or the most wretched. The way professions globalised was at the very centre of this spin because right now if professions turned against the peoples, they would be doing so globally –simultaneously impacting the sustainability of all societies. Further references for people who want to co-edit blogs: Death of Distance Entrepreneurial Revolution Club of City OpenLondon Game of Fantasy Wealth -which global sector will finish humanity off first unless we all simultaneously help to revalue it? People for Public Broadcasting -journalists for humanity, university of stars , water angels wave Mapping how to openly systemise networked human beings top 10 value multipliers By feathering their nests in the short term, global accountants spread(sheet) monetisation’s plague of only serving the most corrupting and powerful people on the planet. After about 40 compound quarters of this you can turn even a small honest company into a globally corrupting empire (think Enron or any 20 other examples citizens of 2005 can list) Our book believed that, give or take a few years, 2005-2010 would be the most testing ones -did the peoples of our world stand up simultaneously and demand that professionals and governments come over to our sides, and the sustainability of every society. Or will the world be ruined by distrust far faster than nature can complain about her climate being changed. As the hundred or so people who now network Beyond Branding make clear, the omens are not good with the communications and accounting professions. Nothing rules the human relationship system we call organisation more pervasively at every second of our working lives than the numbers that people are measured by and the spaces and content of communications. In the late 1980s, accountants and ad agencies made a pact to value globalising brands by how much they spent on image-making -an extreme opposite to purposeful reality-making. They closed down hi-trust organisation's 2 vital streams : clued conversational spaces and the mathematical maps that enable people to see how the future they are compounding will wave all human value exponentially up or down. Ironically, this was down when all our cultures and all of us most needed organisational democracy to innovate -what networks can openly facilitate towards the greatest learning age of value multipication that humankind has experienced throuigh all our beings. Good news is wherever we host it. eg Discuss Organisational Democracy hosted by Traci's WorldBlu next week in Washington DC with cheerleader David Weinberger 1 2 and a host of glittering young CEOs and entrepreneurs. Bad news: 20 years into spreadsheeting globalisation: the worlds largest organisations are spinning lots of lost purpose –look at cluetrain’s 95 clause charter of what hi-trust human conversations revolve round and see how many of these are being shredded by many of the biggest organisational powers you work for, or encounter as customer, future pensioner, family member concerned for the grassroots integrity of your children’s future society and nations themselves. We should expect every locality of the world will be challenged by its own type of Katrina crisis in the next decade, and better not be smug on how USA failed its first urgent “by and for the peoples” test, until we through every city have learnt from that what it takes for grassroots cooperation mapping. In further parts of this series we will ask you to help us mark sustainability’s cards of all professions. If you know of any links to where each profession’s Beyond is being questioned, please do open source with us. Chris wcbn007@easynet.co.uk permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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What Chris writes above is important. And Norman Macrae’s contribution to The Economist needs to be remembered and reiterated. I used to enjoy the future projections that Norman and his team made, something that seems to be lacking in The Economist; not so much the studies themselves, but a sense of verisimilitude. My money’s still on Norman Macrae, and on Chris, as giving us some of the clearest indicators of where our planet’s heading.
Thanks Jack.
I have been updating a lot of my father's old writings between 1976 Entrepreneurial Revolution to 1984 Death of Distance (DoD) Global Business & Local Community-up challenge It's sad how almost every inspiring construct of dad's that became popular got turned round to have an opposite meaning or learning than my father had started to multiply For example: entrepeneurs need to dare to attract the longest-term investors if needs be, by matching them with the greatest humanly needed inventions. As scares like Peak Oil and birdflu ever more divide peoples, Sustainability investors and entrepreneurs may now be many societies last chance out of extreme poverty to systemise a globalisation end game that compounds a big enough footprint for all 6 billion beings to produce and demand harmoniously. Higher hamrmonised systems are not something our race finds as simple as it could be to value as both Einstein and Buckminster Fuller warned in mathematically true ways, and the likes of Gandhi led. Death of distance postulated 2005-2010 as the most critical years while globalisation's system formed its trajectory : would open people networks win-win-win by multiplying each other's hi-trust gravities, or would the world go to non-transparent global speculative powers in league with short-term national politicians and image-laden media and professionals whose hippocratic oaths had disappeared like cheshire cat's smiles - a nightmare team-global even more destructive than Orwell's pen could write. You can see some of Norman's writings represented in the blogs linked about but if you want to map everything that is systemically wrong with divisive communications and measurements then our emerging blog on the 5th exponential of networking economics is here With all these blogs I would delight in co-editors applying if you can see how to accelerate changes for humanity you want to realise by borrowing some of our 30 years of frames for hi-trust leadership and for openly questioning big power before it conflicts with people too much.
Norman is right on the death of distance and these years being critical. And you can see this being played out right now: we are beginning to question why we should care about Tom and Katie, or Paris v. Nicole. I have even questioned the veracity of the bird ’flu stories along the lines of the media outlet who cried wolf.
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I am not without concern when it comes to government; certainly there was sufficient old-school, spin-driven, unclear policies being spelled out by our conservative opposition during the recent New Zealand General Election. But at a citizen level, there seems to be a desire for those win–wins: I suppose that was a critical reason for my putting so much effort into developing media, so these things can be put into place. Norman was already right in 2004 when mankind’s pressing concern became the gulf between rich and poor—something the Make Poverty History groups tried to push through. My view is that the great pushes must come from something that has the trimmings of the establishment, yet come with a fresh sense of purpose. Again, it’s a motive of mine in media. I can’t do it alone, not by any means, but let’s hope that now and in subsequent years we reach a sufficient tipping point with these efforts, globally. Otherwise we will get another little reminder with another major disaster, just to see how prepared we are as seven billion people to help those in need, and to drop artificial notions of borders and separation. There is only one race on this planet: the human race. Links to this post: |
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