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October 25, 2005

Exploring every 20% rule for all markets are worth 

Yesterday I visited the HQ of the world's largest netowrk of freedom thinktanks. The discussion turned in my mind through all sorts of 20% rules of marketing and of sustainability.

I hope some marketers and innovation people will see diversley more Chinese whispers through 20% land than my first trip. Do tell us -love you all for sharing the purpose

The conventional 20% rule of a market is that 20% always have the buying power of more than 50% of what's produced.

In 20th C large organisations, much less than 20% of people making more than 50% of decisions and pay themselves much more than 50% of salaries -it is no longer that unusual for the cost of cutting one top 10 board person to be the same as cutting 1000 workers jobs. We can imagine whoich hisn professional advisers will make the case for

Libertarian thinktanks have for long searched openings of democratic dreams that no .gov system that rules the land shouldenjoy more than 20% of workers taxes- after all that already means working more than 50 days a year before you earn anything to spend. After all whatever tax you give .gov you can be sure that less than 20% of the gov will make more than half of the decisions. But there is a conflict with the 20% gov rule that the politicians turn round on the people:

they say but you want health or education, so you need to pay more than 20%

we the people could say, well first if you only had 20% you would cut spending on power but not people stuff- do we need to spend so much money on armed forces abroad etc?

next the people could say, limiting yopur spend to 20% does not mean we will not cooperatie in other communal spends, it just means it wont go through your small group of decision-makers

and we the people could also say, by the way now we live in globally connecting local economies, many of our deepest concerns impacting the sustainability of life are not about decisions aided by short-term left versus right, one country versus another, soundbiting but need much more open and iterative developing 1 2 3 4 let's open the space for hunders of global village meetings insetad of close the doors behind one white house or downing street.

Chris Macrae World Class Brands Networks
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