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The Beyond Branding blog

November 04, 2005

Branding & Blogging the biggest questions human beings need to ask 

Since 1984 we have forecast that 2005-2010 needs to be the world's biggest question time - otherwise globalisation will spin something that destroys the sustainability of more and more disconnected societies. And even if you feel the failure to colect the biggest questions for humanity over the next 5 years will be a smaller missed opportunity than that, what have we to lose if you see a question you would like to explore

q CM1 My number 1 question I would love to co-guide bloggers and people around- why is it so hard to find organsiations investing in the 500 biggest needs humanity has for the future? I know of only about 12 organsiations that I have so far found and only 2 of those are in the world's famous league of biggest corporations

Ways you can help:
fill up the catalogue beyond the first twelve I know how to help people bechmark at future500

Explore these possible answers to why, or help me find other answers:

The addiction to marketing added cost such as a billion dollar ad budget for image-making and nothing much on reality-making

The loss of national democracy to global power - as Tony Blair wines today , no nation's politicians can afford to be seen to be forst to lead the way out of climate destruction, because then global comerce would move to nations who were less inquistive

The failure of academia to honestly recognise that the greatest sector innovations for world societies involve transparent conflict resolution at least as much as inventing new product things. This is the big new game of networking and service economies as entrepreneurial revolutionaries have been debating since 1976 but many professionals have edited opposite scripts around

Ask the question again: Why is it so hard to find people investing in what 6 billion people most want?

Wrong maths: correct this
theoretically, at Exponentials and identifying human participation all round 10-win multiplication
educationally by co-editing value family blogs
popularly through democratic learning games : 1 2

Corrupted valuation systems towards volatile interests of speculators

DoD- Leaders who don’t have time or context to be systemically confident that people networks multiply value of service & learning economies

Preneur revoluition 2 - Professions that separate their own business case from what sustainable investments most needs to iteratively explore

Questions! welcomed mail - to bust spam include valuetrue in subject
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