November 12, 2005 Branding & Economics of Purpose
Global Corporate Brands permit us to survey the economics of purpose: how does unique identity sustain competent workers' experiential exponentials (action learning curves) and celebrate the trust-flow of relationships and other emotional currencies of transparent leadership such as courage all open networkers need to stimulate progress whilst preserving core. Some of you will be most interested to discover that the economics of purpose can compound 100 times an investor’s stake over a generation but only if it multiplies an even higher order of value with other stakeholders. As Bill Taylor Fast Company editor told last month’s inaugural of the Organisational Democracy Network in DC: great corporate brands love to work with customers who interpret the biggest societal meaning of a sector’s future and employees who relentlessly serve that with teamwork and intrepreneurial verve. In co-editing value100 blog, we will survey proven cases such as South West Airlines and The Economist which achieved those returns over the generation that compounded 100-fold returns to investors. We also charter a 5 year old corporation - google - whose internet searches mediate inspiring patterns of productive and demanding relationships growing round Unique Organising Purpose. We are delighted to analyse any nominations you have of 100-fold reality-makers. However, we also suggest that every beyond professional and every citizen that aspires to live in both a democratic place and a networked age learns one controversial conflict first. Last December future historians at Club of Delhi discussed how globalisation now is what all peoples and cultures urgently choose to make of the wars between goodwill and badwill networks. This fall journalist Thomas Friedman’s brief history of the 21st C charts how flat a peoples world of networks can be starting his storytelling in Bangalore. Transparency: Future Exploration can be Bright, Fixation on Past Science is Dismal The humanly contexts of Economics of Purpose are feared or hated by a kind of administrator or professional whose perceived rigour depends on economics being branded as a science with one right way. This type of master of administration teamed up with the quasi-monopoly profession of 5 (then 4) global accounting and ad globalisation agencies who business case was not interested in the reality of value multiplication but the cost we can compound for budgets spent on image-making. They wrote into accounting law a purposeless standard of brand valuation in the 1980s at the same time as the spreadsheet innovated the drowning of leadership teams in numbers. This great intangible mistake stole leadership purpose from what they called Shareholder Value Analysis until this algorithm became speculator value analysis and eroded transparency of purpose from many global markets and leadership teams. If you feel this is too cruel a verdict on how Untrue and Unfair professions lost transparent integration of societies in the way they have commanded globalisation takes over people’s lives and spins ever more professional silos, all we ask is you read up the case of 100-fold investor returns by truly purpose-led brands. Should they convince you of the value multiplying power of widespread wealth for peoples that purposeful contexts can compound, come back and discuss how to simultaneously transform all professions. aSIN of OMISSION Since the early 1980s many system mappers and leading economists of networks as systems*systems have warned that 2005-2010 would be the most critical years our social species has been tested by. Like it or not, global power is now distributed in our midst. Such flows need advance conflict resolution led by transparent responsibility of players in the biggest market sectors. Can you and your fellow citizens see today to be the time we commit to take globalisation beyond separation and beyond the contextless science (rotten maths) which the late 20th C master of administration tried to rule the world with? BB’s blog has openly questioned over recent years whether Brand USA was losing core values that had compounded the purpose of open capitalism as something more likely to develop prosperity than communism over the last half century. This month Jimmy Carter’s new book provides the definitive cut by cut account of how that purpose-degrading power game happened 2000-2005. Note he takes great pains to demonstrate how the administrative errors made were not a left versus right issue, but what network mapmakers might economically describe as a game of professional blind man’s buff. Let’s forget blame and simultaneously confront a globalisation spin that has set sail to destroy a networked world’s capability to sustain all peoples. Can 6 billion of us all help America to regain its goodwill for people loving values? Jimmy may not have been the world’s most effective political leader but I admire his personal brand identity that of relentlessly asking : don’t Americans deserve a government that is as goodwilled as its people can be? permalink Comments:
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