If you ask customers and societies to
co-create your brand's vision for where they want the global sector to enable every locality to enjoy going, then there are so many ways. But focus on 1 : seasoning your brand, a zero-ad budget form of carnivalising the brand through the calendar year peoples want to celebrate
Example Case: Net it with our own personal brands with 0$ budget at Medinge * BB * CBO * WBN
Here is part of the calendar we weave -each year it gets more exciting as other interactive cultures mix and web:
With thanks to Disruptive-Mice op-ed review of Medinge's Seasonal Rhythms:
- December: ask who's brand of god are you, in this most personal (open space by Gad!) and familial brand month
- November: in memory of the 2md millenium's greatest management ecologist, all preneurial innovators and rebel economists prepare to join in jam for habitats, foundations, microfinance, Third of World, WorldFirsts and hi-trust in all creatures great and small
- October: aSIN and THE COOPERATION & DC Democracies United renew their invitations to wave our networks grid across citizens. We renew our faith in mapping the USA that the rest of the world loves
- September 05: Now that Clinton has joined Robinson in taking New York Global from the search for 30000 grassroots projects up, we also need to Sustain Public Sector Broadcasting before Blair-Bush Exterminate Open Journalism (another viral weapon of mass destruction?)
- July/August - our ritual is to retreat (5? times to date) to Medinge for 48 hours of lakeland, bonhomie and revolutionary sector 1 2 branding -to be the intangibles seeding ground of the Human Wealth that the World Economic Forum has ne'r yet seen
- June 2005: VOTE for which countries merit being in the Live8 club; how do we take NGO's beyond the image-making of Making Poverty History?
- April/May05: Seasons when fools, saints and be-the-changers 1 2 conceive what games networks and open spaces will play -looking back to Mardi Gras, mapping innovation as simultaneous conflict resolution 1 2 3, challenging coffeehouses 1, loving carnival tours of every cross-cultural local stage the world wide- do you wiki for cleansing energy or for participating in what future your locality is leading
- January : our winter retreat month (eg) where traditionally we ask what will journalists for humanity or university of stars need to prepare to question before of after they cover the soundbiting of World Social & Economic Forums
posted by ..., 6:03 PM