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The Beyond Branding blog

November 22, 2005

Moving global professions through the eye of the needle 

The networking time for standing up for humanity against ever separated professional power and hierarchy is now. One way to do this is click to BeyondProf and tell us about a time when what you wanted to do in serving a market was blocked by another profession's judgement over you

Here is the joint story that we may need to face up to if life is to move Beyond Professional Fear, Lost Trapsterency and Bureucracy thaty stifles the life's whole purpose out of living systems.

This blog will cross-examine the detailed risks of each global profession's acceleration power to look after its self-interest at the cost of societal and organisational sustainability. By professional apartheid we mean
  • using a global monopoly to separate out a profession's interests in budgets from system connectivity that true economies of service and purposeful knowledge flows need to sustain so that compound himan consequences are optimal
  • shredding hippocratic oaths
  • taking up so much of a boardroom's (top people's) time with complex self-perpetuating technicalities that transparency is eroded, risk compounds hierarcically and departmental silos separate instead of encouraging the culture of whole organisations and networks to see job number 1 as purposefully detecting and resolving risks to human truths and life systemically ahead of time

  • Examples:
    Unseen Wealth: Why is the global accounting monopoly still based on the machine-age assumption of people can never be booked in as investment whereas machines can? Beyond Branding: Why do ad agencies aim to get global clients to spend a billion dollars a year on image-making of promises intead of any investment in realty-making? Why does a particular type of American lawyer interpret a Delaware's incorporation's sole duty as maximising speculators numbers however the great the external risks to all stakeholders over time destroying sustainability of the whole system's value multiplying dynamics mapped as productive and demanding relationships compounding integrally around living purpose? Why does a globalisation segment of economists remove contexts from value exchange modelling so that their correct policy is not for and by value development by people and their communal diversities, but directed solely at making big powers bigger? Why is it that as disasters get ever bigger around the world, professional theory has tended to separate the top decison-making power from interfacing practically with the most vital bottom-up responses wherever critical real-time leadership is most needed? KMEurope: Why has Knowledge Management foresaken Drucker's knowledge worker revolution so that information technology's business case makes what machines control separately more valuable than connecting what people's most passionately experienced learning curves innovate and serve through hi-trust flows and transparent governance? Why not systemically celebrate everyone's true connectivity with change as chartered by entreperneurial revolutionaries for 30 years and death of distance storytellers for 20 years, instead of looking up to professions which work against nature's networks and so propagate fear everywhere?

    As forecast back in 1984, 2005-2010 is the time when humankind judges: Value True Identity in every deep communal context now, or let 6 billion beings forever after lose the global systemised wars of goodwill versus badwill. If there's something inhuman about your profession which you want to change - you are not alone. Mail me at and I will try to sketch with you where we know of spaces opening for professional reformation. As well as where to connect with the humanity of what all professions can do - see Canada's HabitatJam : where people everywhere, when December 1-3.
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