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The Beyond Branding blog

November 09, 2005

who's who of hi-trust intangibles valuation 

This post is being co-syndicated with intangibles-valuation, the world number 1 blog in this search field

Some particular foci that may interest the marketing profession:
the whole area of brand reality and brand trust that I started special issue journal research of after readers requests from brand chartering

the extent to which transforamtion of brand valuation's wrong maths can enable marketers to be the first openly Beyiond profession and invite other professions to join the hi-trust party for a transparently networked world that helps all 6 biullion beings to make the most of their productivities and rights to demand reality-making wherever this is more vital for compounding sustainability of communities and families than image-making

We invite applications to be featured in our open catalogue of professional networks or systemic alumni concerned with hi-trust intangibles valuation. To qualify a coordinator needs to:
  • be agreeable to the idea that organisational systems compose productive and demanding relationships compounding round uniquely valued purpose

  • be agreeable to co-agent those systemic ways of renewing hi-trust relationships which are complimentary to the ones that are served by the cooridnator's expert group

  • We are delighted to be contacted by potential coordinators or people who want to be guided around our understnading of what different coordinator networks of intangibles valuation offer.
    email and include valuetrue in the subject.

    We also offer coordinators an opportunity to maintain a section in the collaborative blog

    Here are some of the keyowrds that we search through in approaching coordinators as potential members of our who's who of intangible valuation and hi-trust organisational systems.

    Transparency - on our maps, silos and boundaries are where the relationship value of intangibles is at most risk. Moreover, if an organisation is part of a global or local network, failure of all organsiations to mutually take care for boundaries can lead to corruption of the whole network or lose of a market's sector's greatest vision for improving the human condition. Transparency has also been a key criteria of Don Tapscott's research of net generation and
    Verna Allee's maps of value exchange molecules. Transparency is also a core vakue of various Beyond Professional circles (eg 1) who are calling for the trajnsparent restoration of each profession's hippocratic oath and and intent to harmonise connections between professionals instead of separating each other's business case (and so adding to trust-flow silos and knowledge blocks in client organisations)

    Intrapreneur : our family - and social networks
    eg 1 - have surveyed and debated all preneurial revolutions for 30 years. A leader who is interested in intrapreneurial methods is specifically interested with the economics or investment in sustaining service and teamwork constructs of hi-trust relationship. Of classical terms in the preneurial vocabulary, intrapreneur is most closely connected to the deepest emaning of knowledge worker and co-worker developed over many decades by Peter Drucker, as well as the measures of optimising individual lifetime competences emerging at Claremont (Drucker's business school)

    Simplicity -all intangibles valuation becomes simpler to see hi-trust organisational relationship through the more contextually it is governed. Although we are passionate collectors of the pattern rules and moves of complexity, intangibles valuation needs to be concerned with making hi-trust relationships and integrity of purpose simpler to serve, not submitting to conflicts or paradoxes as too complex to resolve.

    Sustainability - like Corporate leaders
    Ray Anderson and Sir John Banham, we believe that sustainability investors are co-creating the greatest productive potentials for all human beings across a networked globe of societies as well as earning the most profitable returns. We survey who the emerging lead players of sustainability investment are at aSIN

    Chartering brand architecture
    in ways that enable everyone to live and learn from identity's reality-making as the higher order governance duty and support of the marketing profession than image-making alone. This involves deveoping a second type of brand valuation that is more context specific and systemically connected than modes global accountants first proposed in the 1980s. Notably twelve years of case study catyaloguing by Brand Charterers shows that high execution spend on image-making has no positive correlation with the value compounding around corporate brand architecture, or hi-trust in leadership vision, courage and love of context needed foradpativity and true innovation as well as knowledgeable people's participation in strategy.

    Death of Distance and other revolutionary constructs of networking economics which our future history scriptwriters have been helping people study for 21 years.

    Campaigners for multiplying goodwill networks (
    1 2 3) around humanity's most urgent innovationchallenges and for public media to develop a united world service 1 through all the best practices of transparent journalism and genres of reality tv that involve deeply democratic and inspiringly diverse learning games.

    We are delighted to be told of other keywords you feel we should be prioritising in our search for hi-trust organisation and valuetrue understanding of the intangibles relationships purposeful people value most in service and learning network economies.
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