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January 30, 2006 Brainjams & Web2.1
Is the time ripe for these brands to viralise openly?
Web2.1 -if I understand it correctly - is the people striking back- everything the web could have been communalised to do if dotcoms hadn't been misdirected by people whose greed toppled love of sustainably real communal application. If you know my dad and I's 1984 future history on networks - see eg http://deathofdistance.blogspot.com - you'll know how we don't much care for people who messed up the greatest people's learning media ever. The summary of what the web can do is well chartered here http://ninenow.blogspot.com/1999/12/learning-networks-open-mentors.html So why Brainjams? I know there are all sorts of blogwalks, but they tend to be the hi-tech talking to the hi-tech, or the conventional blogger to blogger. Brainjams specifically tries to bridge the hi-tech and those with a communal need who are not hi-tech (not knowing of a blog is cool). Unlike other West coast open space events, its planning to take the Californian belief in Web2.1 to chalenging places - in choopsing an East Coast coordinate it started today with Washington DC! http://www.brainjams.org/docs/BrainJamsJournal30Jan2006.pdf Brainjams will also collaborate with just about any movement that believes in web2.1 - so what have we people got to lose? permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Web2.0 and web2.1 have started appearing on the change the world radar using google news alerts and megatrend survey methods - see this section of juournalists for humanity blog
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