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Beyond Branding is written by members of The Medinge Group

The Beyond Branding blog

January 18, 2006

Networking Space's Close Encounters with 3rd kind of blog segmentation that attracts my lifestyle 

This would be based on the revolutionary idea of Canada's which was applied most memorably to round the world testimonies on why and where slums are getting worse for their peoples in big cities - after 72 hours of feeding information into one bookmark, there is more to search there in one single source that the whole of humankind has previously achieved in separate receptacles of knowledge

These seem to start like this: Do not care at all how tidy a blog is to read, just jam in every testimony (or concepr, experiment, expolarory dialogue's links) on one specific revolution the blog stands for. The purpose is to amass more content gravity and interpersonal (comentoring links) through the wblog fopr people who want to be the revolution than anyone else. The way to use such a blog is eithr to take a search engine to it so that you find the slices you want or to use the sidebar to index the subset of events and revolutions that the blog's action futures are emerging around networks of people

Now clearly getting the marketing profession to practice NoLgo in global branding - ie attending transparently chartering the Unique Organising Purpose of any specified productive and demanging granvity of human relations - how people learn, serve, conflict resolve the communal economic and societal realities of that UOP before they worry about spending a cent on image, or PR , or subcontacting their leadership communications to a rotaing door of ad agencies is a revolutionary subject

whether this blog is up for it or we need to start another one I don't know. The first step is : if you want to co-edit such a revolutionary blog however infrequent your contribution (eg because there is one of its networks you want to emerge) then mail me at or Jack yan or both of us
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  • Steal This Brand
  • Jack Yan: The Persuader Blog
  • Right Side up
  • Chris Lawer
  • Ton Zijlstra
  • Headshift
  • Partum Intelligendo
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  • Comment Ca Va? - from day 2 of around the world's ...
  • 5 years out : Can Coke be saved?
  • Coke was it
  • The selling of prejudice
  • Detroit goes back to the archives, again
  • Rakon and the New Zealand national character
  • Coming to a city near you : the what is culture de...
  • Old media’s last stand
  • Is the mass media boycott over?
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    Chris Macrae UK/US
    Jack Yan New Zealand
    John Caswell UK
    Johnnie Moore UK
    Malcolm Allan UK
    Nicholas Ind Norway
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