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The Beyond Branding blog

January 28, 2006

should we media and mediator pundits be amazed that the average adult is no higher than at 5th grade on using email 

To be less amazed, think through these loops:
how long has the average adult been on email

trust me, each grade's elevation of practice means doing something (to what the mass commercially (ie socially controlling) media deliberately and confusingly tends to call privacy) the opposite way round than you did it at a lower grade

as you go up the grades, you are linking email with every other way you network in real life

I'll give an example below. But with 2 big virtual communities I used to know going dark this week, let me say I see no loss. Virtual communities are pretty poisonous unless whomever owns them loves them and understands 12th grade emailing. The very few communities like that we don't talk about until we know who's who.

The rest of virtual communities - the bigger they get- reduce email competence and/or the positive relationship goodwills of all to lower common denominator levels. This still leaves the question - how the heck do we scale word of net before humanity turns on itself forever?. Perhaps only open source projects of deeply needed real impact (not just more virtual software) will prove the pudding

The following is taken on the intentionally rough how to network notes we compile at the transparency community of where not knowing someone's grade can be very dangerous indeed for whole networks and not just whether they stay alive on computer screens.

Somewhere around the 8th grade (much sooner if you were in a ninenow school) , you need to start serius practice as a cafe host

A one hour cafe invites a roundtable of people to come and join in only if they are urgently concerned by the same specific challenge. Once you are at 12th grade as a cafe host, anyone famous for humanity visiting your town and relevant to your learning should be a target of your networks' and your own cafe hosting capability

It takes practice, but remember it also tests out how supportative all you co-mentoring peers and networks are. So its a practice that win-wins all around the network of 12th grader alumni

Here's an example: suppose I know the man who has done more across the South American continent than any other to share actions people can take to keep water clean and free as a human right, and that he's visiting London where my home networks happen to intersect. For example this man encouraged the Catholic Church to make 2004 the year of water in Brazil and animated water conversations through its 7000 local parishes. Or he can tell you how 80000 children of the river basins of Foz (the world's largest dam) are assembling the most interesting curriculum on water for every grade from 1 to 40!, its waves, its nature, how all health is sustained by its cleanliness, how its system knows no boundaries that men or nations set, how water networks! So I ask myself and my co-mentors and all the networks we link through who are the 10 people most interested in the future of water who might want to meet this man in a one hour cafe. We send them invitations. From those who do not reply, we find out may be they weren't that deeply interested anyhow. From those who say great but not at that hour, we say well let's connect you to our S.American friend by email. And among those who come to the cafe, we hope to find one projjevct that unites
London as a premier knowledge collaboration city around the world and with Brazil in particular.

So that's what you can do if you practice 12th grade email and cafes. If this sounds interesting, I am always here to swap notes - chris macrae

Incidentally if you re-read the cafe description until you are confident enough to just do it your way, its very good news for the peoples economics. It puts all productivity back to the people who are closest to context. This is why our traffic light rankings for better governance models work for trust(intangibles)*transparency*sustainability by insisting that we map how people are the central value multiplier not branded corporations not top boardrooms - all people who have spent their lives getting on an experience curve that makes a difference. This has always been the service economy revolution at least in te 30 years that economists have been studying entreprenurial revolution. And if organisation's managers do not look te idea of empowering intrapreneurs then it is high time penioners to be and others whose best interest is to invest long, boot them out because they are being robbed of the 100 fold return to investment that comes if you all invest purposefully for as generation on something that truly is humanly worthwhile connecting every trusting relationship round.
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