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The Beyond Branding blog

January 11, 2006

Trizophrenia of Global Branding 

Apologies for not knowing what schizophrenia is when you are pulled 3 ways. But I think its pretty clear know that our brands and ourselves will live or die in 3 different economies

1) The death of brand and people values machines more than people; money more than trust; compounding risk around the globe as long as its not inside your nation rather than sustaining life or nature. Global accountants dreamed up a perfect valuation algorithm for promoting this machine economy, that separates all the relationship flows of being purposefully productive or demanding. And all because they wanted to preserve their tangibles monopoly of adding up bottom lines, a maths they had not chnaged for about 100 years except with all sorts of notes that became larger than the image of offering a true and fair standard.

2 The service economy brand: we know how this works Its loves the organisation's most purposeful people. It empowers then to develop their own teams, it wants its best people to work and elarn for a lifetime, but there is one vital external rule. Get close to the most demanding customers where these are the people who can help you see what society most wants the future of this sector to sustain. Anyone whose strategy uses economics of externalities or other Porterian defensive barriers never compounds leadership value over time. The service companies that do multiply value with society can compound 100 times investors returns over a generation.

We don't yet know all about the peopleseconomics of a networked age and empowering 2 million global villages, where we go beyond service to multiplying the value of learning in ways that make collaboration the new competitive advantage but entrepreneurial revolution debates now celebrating their 30th birthdays, economics of exponentials and London's 5 villages researching the Queen's mission (Is Humanity turning on itself?) provides simple map that shows any boardroom who believes that is about governing by historic measures alone is not long for this earth 1 2 3
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