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December 30, 2004 could it be that one nation extorted trillions out of the poorest?
...without the rest of the world knowing
I dont know anymore how to read between the lines- interpretors needed Fact or Fiction: A paragraph from the book: "...two primary objectives of my work. First, I was to justify huge international loans (from the World Bank and the IMF) that would funnel money back to MAIN (Chas. T. Main, Inc.) and other U.S. companies (such as Bechtel, Halliburton, Stone & Webster, and Brown and Root) through massive engineering and construction projects. Second, I would work to bankrupt the countries that received these loans (after they had paid MAIN and the other U.S. contractors, of course) so that they would present easy targets when we needed favors, including military bases, UN votes, or access to oil and other natural resources." Perkins discusses three steps to make sure this happens: 1-Economic Hit Men, like himself, would convince leaders of third world countries to take out these loans enriching themselves and MAIN and leaving the poor in these countries forever poor; (One country where they were successful was Saudi Arabia) 2- They send in the "Jackals" to instigate a coup or to assassinate an unresponsive leader (Allende in Chile, Mossadegh Iran in the '50s, Torrijos in Panama, Roldos in Ecuador, and unsuccessful, as of now, in Venezuela), and 3-Send in the Marines (Iraq, Vietnam, etc.). Endorsements
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents PART I: 1963-71 1: An Economic Hit Man Is Born 2: "In for Life" 3: Indonesia: Lessons for an EHM 4: Saving a Country from Communism 5:Selling My Soul PART II: 1972-74 6: My Role as Inquisitor 7: Civilization on Trial 8: Jesus - Seen Differently 9: Opportunity of a Lifetime 10: Panama: the President and Hero 11: Pirates in the Canal Zone 12: Soldiers and Prostitutes 13: Conversations with the General 14: Meeting the Novelist Graham Greene PART III: 1974 - 81 15: Entering a New and Sinister Period in Economic History 16: The Saudi Arabian Money-laundering Affair 17: Financing Osama Bin Laden 18 : Panama Canal Treaty Negotiations 19: Iran's King of Kings 20: Confessions of a Tortured Man 21: The Fall of a King 22: Colombia: Keystone to Latin America 23: American Democracy Vs. Global Empire 24: Ecuador's President Battles Big Oil 25: I Quit Part IV: 1982 - Present 26: Ecuador: Presidential death - CIA Assassination? 27: Panama: Another Presidential death - CIA Assassination? 28: My Own Energy Company, Enron, and G. W. Bush 29: A New Breed of EHM 30: U.S. Invades Panama 31: Venezuela: Another EHM Failure 32: Ecuador Revisited permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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December 29, 2004 please tell us if you suspect any cases of INTOLERABLE BRAND LEADERSHIP
Prominent cardiologist criticizes drug ads
Los Angeles Times Wednesday, December 29, 2004 Washington -- The government should reassess its policy of allowing prescription drugs to be advertised directly to consumers, a prominent cardiologist urged Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The heart-attack risks of arthritis painkillers Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex have exposed a regulatory "house of cards" at the Food and Drug Administration, wrote Dr. Eric J. Topol, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic. "Unbridled promotion exacerbated the public health problem," Topol concluded. "The combination of mass promotion of a medicine with an unknown and suspect safety profile cannot be tolerated in the future." FDA officials have not publicly addressed the issue of whether high- powered advertising campaigns for newly approved drugs are in the best interest of public health. chris macrae beyond-branding.com & associate networks holds our 12th semi-annual retreat in London on Friday January 21 at the Friends House, oposite Euston Station - mail wcbn007@easynet.co.uk if you want to drop in and join one of one hour cafe roundtables Campaign & Special Issue Journal for Total Brand Corporate Responsibility permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Determined Detractor
The hugely valuable role that determined detractors play in moving beyond-branding may not be clarified in the risk-lens way the New York times gives prominent coversage to this issue http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/27/business/media/27adco.html Thanks to Gary Ruskin for helping popularise this most democratic commercial alert
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December 26, 2004 One Year On
What's your bets that one year on, all of us and all our organisations will be doing anything different because of Tsunami learning? And what's the mass media role in this? Does it cover the moment of fear for a week and then move on to covering the next fear-casting incident. Out of London and Britain, we will be watching the BBC in particular for something completely different...
Let's hope that other networks like the Church of England will be monitoring the BBC too? The question to ask the BBC is : does your output compound faith, hope and love or the very opposite? On that answer your licence fee and public life depends in our opinion. come co-blog more at any of DisasterGate & future of bbc & Journalists for Humanity & university of stars & 100 intercity blogs. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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December 25, 2004 Dear Santa, could you stop wars, we would like that
Source 8 year olds survey (350 children), Be The Change (london 2004, 10 countries 2005). So beyond-branders -will you fill kids' stockings with any change the world ideas? 1
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December 12, 2004 global ad-led brand's final bust-up?![]() ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Being fair to McDonalds
I still think Ray Kroc is rolling in his grave in how far this brand slipped from his identity, but I must own up I had an enjoyable experience- perhaps after a hi-conflict meeting I just needed to indulge in the joy of a McFlurry ice cream sundae, but I detected something else- may be you are using some flagship locations around the world to test out new stuff; multi-format testing is what a global frachise can do; ...may xmas spirit be with you in every different wat=y that the human race celebrates this time of the year
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Brazil- Nominee as Greatest Giver to World of 2004-2006
I am very excited about how Brazil is turning round the way everyone values water, and potentially the ecology of everything. Perhaps because it is the most valuable flow connecting 6 billion people we don’t fully see that water is the number 1 brand of our lifestyles. Thanks Brazil for starting to tell this story, in a way that can build up for the world leaders' summit of 2006. Particular credits must also go to: 5500 Parishes of the Catholic Church for carring the story of 2004 Year of Water in the human way than no commercial media would.
and in the most opposite kind of way that many American corporations try to tell water’s story Cheers Chris Any questions PS great debate on other misunderstood universal intangibles emerging here permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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December 01, 2004 Will the 100 Bn $ Merck Brand Survive?
This just in from our World Health Care Game
CARD 1: Regulator Murk or Transparency This google connecting America's Federal Drug Authority , Pharma Manufacturer Merck and their withdrawn drug Vioxx is worth continuous monitoring. Vioxx has been withdrawn as unsafe after analysis by FDA employee David Graham showed this arthitis drug is associated with more cases of heart attach and stroke than other products such as celebrex or ibuprofen Merck's value has lost nearly 40% from 100 billion to 60 billion in the quarter end Sept to end November 2004. If the company is ever shown to have continued profiting from the drug after knowing of its defect, the company risks losing all as lawyers' cliams surround it. Its too early to call what the lessons are. But the FDA is criticising Graham for publishing his results too fast even though the abstract on his analysis submitted February 04 wasnt presented as a paper to Aug 04. The FDA's behaviour is an indication that it is trying to help Merck moderate its crisis and not simply looking after the health of the public. You may feel that in the absence of the resignation of the head of the FDA, other countries drug regulators should note that the FDA has conflicted interests and not assume that what the FDA passes is a green light the world's people can rely on. You may also wonder whether Drug companies 10 years ago might have had more staff continuously monitoring a drug's track record. We wholly accept that there is no clinical trial process that can guarantee that a drug has no long-term consequences ; and where patients are desperate for a cure, it is reasonable that they have access to experimental drugs as long as these are still being monitored and everyone's best judgements are used when undexpected data comes in. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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When brand transparency's day of reckoning comes- which sector's disrepute of marketing will be judged to have killed the most people?
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*petroleum *pharma *other Petroleum is already talked about as the new tobacco. For at least a decade it has obfuscated about the inconvenientt truth of global warming when what the world's free markets needed was to innovate a new energy source - a clean one such as photosynthesis/solar which doctors of biology have assured me for 20 years is well within man's competence to develop. Bravo Gore for training 1000 people in Nasvile on how to network inconvenient truth slides www. Thank heavens too that Branson has stepped up to the plate with 3 billion $ to challenge global warming; in his hands we can expect 10 fold publicity for humanity's buck. P or P But the world's most disgraceful global market perfomance of the last decade may yet be a close race. Yesterday's Guardian spilt the beans on how disgraceful big pharma's marketing strategists have become. They ignore product solutions that only the poor like those millions killed by black fever need. Please note they have invented the solutions, patented them but decided there is no profitable market for them- so buried them an the millions who could have been saved if they had opened up knowledge and licence of the product. Pharma yoursecret is ot and a force (Gates Foundation) with more billions than you is ready to make sure 6 billion people know of your badwill. Your last chance to restore your reputaton is for all you big pharma'so come to the table and promise never to do this again. The message seems clear.Marketing societies should throw out all marketers to do with pharma and petrochemicals for bringing marketing into disrepute. When did either of you wholly care about life? (the number 1 customer need in every market I have ever researched) Pharma - Why not contact us at info@worldcitizen.tv if you are willing to come to an off the record roundtable to debate how to resurrect your transparency; the alternative is to be exposed by world service public broadcasters as the last decade's careless merchants of black death |
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