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The Beyond Branding blog

December 31, 2005

Intel should change its brand 

I am not sure what the big deal is here: Intel has said it will change its logo, as well as its , to encompass its traditional products but other ventures such as devices and healthcare.
   It’s not a radical change, but radical enough to warrant the change in visuals. After all: it has a direction that others might not expect; the environment has changed since the original marketing strategy was set; there is a change in that seems to be supported by top management; the existing is deemed incompatible with the desired one.
   We’re talking about the being on the outside: ‘Intel outside’, rather than .
   And overall, it’s a neat trick, and I wonder just how unexpected it all was.
   Intel began as a chip maker and never saw its brand. It was strictly .
   Then, it began to , with the ‘Intel inside’ logo. And now, this is the next step: Intel will have its own consumer products that extend its expertise as a chip maker on to devices.
   Technique: change and spend to reinforce the reasons for that change.
   When you have as much money as Intel, and you face a slow-down in revenues in the coming year, it’s worth trying to shift perceptions on a grand scale. I still prefer involving communities in changes, and managing their perceptions, but at the same time, this old-fashioned method has its place. It will be interesting to observe how well it is executed in this day and age of the , and how, in six and twelve months’ time, impressions have shifted.
   My bet? It will be so successful no one will mention the change in half a year’s time. There will be sufficient internal changes, too, to signal the new Intel, given the indications of top-level support.
   And that was my first post of the New Year: it is 11 hours, 17 minutes in to 2006 here.
USA should change its brand leader (update oct 06)
Everything seemed to be going wrong for Bush last week, even the metaphors. On the way to the Allen fund raiser, we stopped for a photo op at a picturesque farm stand outside Richmond. There was a pile of pumpkins sitting on a flatbed truck, and both Allen and Bush tried to hoist an aesthetically pleasing pumpkin by the stem. Both stems snapped. "If you break it, you pay for it, Mr. President," said Richard Keil of Bloomberg News, echoing Colin Powell's famous rule at the outset of the Iraq war. Bush didn't seem to get the joke. "I suppose you're right," he said, and tried to buy the broken pumpkin

Lots of work to do forrest of us who want a sustainable world. Updates on energy as albatross of peace between nations at and  
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Happy 2006 

With 40 minutes to go before I see in the New Year, as the first of the Beyond Branding team to do so, I wish everyone well for 2006. It’s been a hectic ride through 2005—and I know 2006 will be a year where a lot of our dreams will finally advance. Happy branding to all!
Happy Interdependence Day. As readers of my e-letters from America will know, Katrina ensured that 2005 was the last Independence Day in the top-down's internal branding (national culture of USA).
sustainability's 5 by 5's
Transparency and future history experts estimate that there is a 2 year window of opportunity for the rest of the world to shape a superpowering empire onto its new trajectory of goodwill or badwill (remeber what compounded after 2001's national tragedy). So we are 25% way through the window, and the game is to go micro-inter-macro in every economic chnage the world conversation you have with an American. As the founder of the world's largest civil society BRAC says: in Bangladesh we say: small is beautiful but large scale is essential. With this introduction , I hope you will have time to discover the full significance of the folowing breaking news of a new micro-medium for humanity (but one replicable wherever netizens ask each other truth's most demanding Q&A) An extraordinary change the world learning network has been started by (Onet) the www friends of thousands of micro-finance practitioners here. Why not click and play. An example of a question we are testing is: As a co-author of the 1984 future history which was first to map a diverse set of scenarios on why www networking would be the greatest communications crisis, systemically impacting all the compound exponentials most relevant to of human sustainability, I have noticed every year since 84 that the world's most powerful leaders are happy if you script a systemic "change the world" scenario as critical more than 7 years out, but coordinate every sort of aggressive or noisy lobby against authors who dare question an Inconvenient Truth of a crisis that needs to be acted on more urgently and requires worldwide debates from every grassroots observation village or net. How do we simultaneously reconcile this globalization catch 22 with the people who have the greatest budgets to innovate for sustainability?  
Last month Sept06, the world learnt that peace and economics are after all intimately in the same human relations system. Thanks to Nobel Prize for peace to economist Yunus. It would be timely if we could connect the triangle: peace*economics*media

Until January a competition for peace projects is at This is probably the web's most trusted competition jam, hosted by whose global academy includes Yunus and transparency expert Peter Eigen, one of whose biggest projects is now funded by Gates

If you believe that peace*economics*media connect goodwill brands in the same overall human relations system, see you at project4 or your own project entry!  
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Beijing News journalists walk out, defying Communists 

To the staff of the News: I am with you guys all the way. The Beijing News’s staff has walked out over the -imposed sacking of its editor. This highlights how much needs to progress before others can be assured that dealing with the nation won’t result in or worse—and what use is a if people know the information remains ?
   I do not know how much of the will get out into the public. If it does leak out, then it will only strengthen the News’s brand as a beacon of independent . Once again, the Politburo’s meddling boosts the party which it opposes—just as it did for the .
   Incidentally, before anyone points out the flag—this is the only one I recognize as standing for .
One worry I have: these 100 guys could get killed. Update from the beautifully presented Taipei Times (the web site is rather lacking) here.  
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The Fortune 500 and blogs 

that don’t do as well with their , indicate data cited by PSFK. Chris Anderson and Doc Searls hypothesize ‘that the companies that blogged were often those that had less coherent and successful that those that didn’t.’
   This sounds correct to me. Some of the corporations that use corporate blogging don’t take back any notion of how the should be , though I am sure they do use some of the ideas fed back by readers for other areas of their businesses (as in sales). It is possible for these blogs to help these companies—but they must integrate them into the and processes, complete with feedback.
   Trouble is, companies like don’t seem to possess a model. The GM Fast Lane blog reflects one-way thinking, based on the times I have visited it. It, like the rest of GM’s marketing, still smacks of “fire it out”, rather than, ‘How do you view us today, and where can we take you?’ The are still driven by the few, rather than the many, at their peril.
   It’s not the blogs at fault, it’s the failure to consider them as part of the branding process, and by extension the .
   A final comment on this as I sense Chris Macrae will ask the same: how do we know the share price is the best indication of the corporation’s strength? Should blogs be against them? Or should they be measured on the strength of the informal networks, and their potential (ultimately) to perform better in , sales, or —which might not be reflected in the share price readily?
I still believe in my rationale, even if the data on which the story was based do not show sufficient correlation between share price and blogging, according to David Kline: ‘True, there are a number of firms that started blogging clearly because they were suffering image problems that their traditional PR methods failed to redress—Microsoft, GM and Boeing are cases in point. Interestingly, though, while Microsoft's share price is down nearly 9% the past year, Boeing's is up 29%.’
   My point, however, differs from Anderson, Searls et al: mine is about how well integrated audience feedback is. The more inclusive a brand, the more likely it will do well share-wise.  
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December 30, 2005

The gorgeous Jag generation 

Jaguar XK web site screen shot
Ever since I covered the new XK in ’s print edition about three months ago, I have been in love with the . ’s is impressive, especially as it’s the culmination of a dream he has held since he was a boy: to create his own Jaguar from concept to release.
   It’s getting plenty of (such as in Lucire’s recent ‘The Car to Be Seen in’, which I chair), which is why I think its latest , covered by Frederik Samuel at the Advertising/Design Goodness blog, is a clever one. The focus on the word gorgeous and hardly show the product. Frederik doesn’t like them, but I do.
   They make sense to me: are more and . They don’t need to be shown a product that is already getting a lot of attention (with more to come as it is released, by market). If anything, showing the product makes it all duller. Most Jaguar XK8western car buyers surf to get more info. And, finally, a car is a item, especially when it comes to Jags. People buy into a , and Jaguar needed to define that as more than the image it presently holds (with the likes of and being its proponents).
   At least it isn’t that ‘new Jag generation’ which had flogging X-types, a car that appealed mainly to the ‘old Jag generation’.
   Too-thin types and the Jaguar have their place, and they work together beautifully here. Buying a Jaguar XK is about an image, so why not play on the fantasy first, provide the setting, and allow the customer to fill in the gaps with his or her own little adventures?
   The campaign is at this link, including videos.
I saw the car in the flesh at the LA Auto Show. It's boring and forgettable (and I love Jags). The only thing worse than the car is the campaign - an unlovely car being called gorgeous by its maker is a pathetic state of affairs. Wait til someone buys it, then let them call it beautiful.  
There is one angle that I didn’t mention as it is generally only relevant to the Brits: ‘Gorgeous’ as a term, addressed to someone, either male or female. It has a slight overtone of that humour. But in other countries this does not translate—and in such cases, I do agree that it is better for the public to label the car with such an adjective than its manufacturer. While I like global campaigns, there are hitches such as this.  
any ideas where I can find the text for this campaign?  
Bruce, I don’t have the print version but the web site is at  
I realy like this one its about time that they braught some fashion in to them!  
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AT&T: out with the old, in with the old? 

New AT&T logoBloomberg is reporting that AT&T will unveil a new branding campaign, saying that the needs . Two matters stood out for me without checking with company insiders:

kept the name because of its international and a 128-year of . …
   AT&T will blanket in New York with the message “Your World Delivered” to convince customers the -based company can meet all their communications needs, Shelley Almager, director of , said in an interview.
   “This is a substantially different ,” Almager said.

   Can someone be so frank as to tell me in one sentence what is different? What is the new brand’s , and does the new slogan act as a useful rallying point for such a large company?
   And if the advertising is to signal a difference, does it not go against the CEO’s decision to retain its name due to its ‘tradition of innovation’?
   Perhaps it would have been wiser to say, ‘We’re different because everything about us is innovative.’
   Follow that up with this, if needed: ‘We want this campaign to reinforce our innovative . People have forgotten that AT&T has been an innovator since Alexander Graham Bell invented the . Now, with SBC, we actually have the potential to innovate like crazy.
   ‘It’s that innovation we’re driving through every aspect of our company. Not only do we have the assets to do it, we’re implementing it in the way we behave.’
   Then follow that through with new staff programmes, casual dress, ways of working with on developments and brand direction (‘How can we be in solving your problem today?’), and a cheeky campaign that serves as an internal and external trigger for a revitalized firm.
   It’s too easy for a non- to be about a campaign from a large American . Those in this branding profession often joke about how rooted in the 1950s most corporate are in the States.
   And Mr Whitacre’s comment at the time of the new , which he might not have authored, is very much in the 1950s’ vein: ‘The revitalized mark symbolizes these attributes—innovation, integrity, quality, reliability and unsurpassed .’ In other words, here are some . It means nothing. Because every other telco promises these things. Come to think of it, almost every other company in the world promises these things.
   Let’s hope this will not follow the same dull route. After all, AT&T has the through which many people will be reading this entry. It seems logical that it is the company that will implement a globally advanced campaign, especially when you read the assets it possesses. It is possible—it just needs to this a lot more succinctly and directly.
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ADVENTS END- Death of Nations, Return to Brand Cities and the Peoples Networks 

Prior episodes of advents end published here this month : 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

When I was writing World Class Brands in 1990 - my attempt to transform out of advertising imaged products to communal gravitations people loved to be proud of participating in - I speculated what were the least understood brands od 1990-2000? I valued how I could develop some passioately curious identification charters at that time for nations, Royalty and other constitutions, types of media a country was dominated by, whether a country had any people's media left (as an example from the last decade: Brazil's people found themselves so suffocated by commercial media that they literally took to the streets with the world social fora movement, and chnaged city government transparency, and started getting the church to reconnect with the economics of such human rights as clean water).


15 years on and 20 million collaboration knowledge city bookmarks later, people networks need to go way beyond nations and reclaim cities and global villages. Branding the future of London is the most vital opportunity I have access to -beyond any corporate client - because tens of thousands of Londoners have read my co-authored books since 184, and at least 1000 are on email with me clarifying what their greatest inquiry for the future is. More importantly all I also ask is they try and connect whatever we learn in London with one other less advantaged place in anothger hemisphere that their family history loves.

This is how we first scripted the project30000 debate back in 1984 as a transition for going beyond being ruled only by biog govenance whether the typology is national government, Eupopean Sprouts, Global Corporation, Professions whose selfish global rush to monopolise measurement or writing of law has forgotten their deep oaths to serve people, charities whose global fund raising has lost their grassroots cause, and other systemic abuses of trust-flow*transparency*sustainability and the economics of expoentials which we invite those who want to join the 30th birthday party of Entrepreneurial Revolution to co-script with us in 2006

Action Networking Now around E4
  • Project30000
  • know waves of such foundation contexts: 1) as life depends on clean water;2) energy depends on we help nature work with the sun; 3 discuss with uis what you believe number 3 is and we'll try and link you to some like-gravitated people
  • People for Public Broadcasting 1 2 3 - Brand Chartering's 10th birthday parties 2006
  • aSIN
  • microfinance, and helping map the global villages 1 2 people like you most love sustaining

    Changing Economics

    The introduction of the international Centrobank was the last great act of government before government grew much less important. It was not a conception of policy-making governments at all, but emerged from the first computerised town meeting of the world.

    By 2005 the gap in income and expectations between the rich and poor nations was recognised to be man's most dangerous problem. Internet linked television channels in sixty-eight countries invited their viewers to participate in a computerised conference about it, in the form of a series of weekly programmes. Recommendations tapped in by viewers were tried out on a computer model of the world economy. If recommendations were shown by the model to be likely to make the world economic situation worse, they were to be discarded. If recommendations were reported by the model to make the economic situation in poor countries better, they were retained for 'ongoing computer analysis' in the next programme.

    In 2024 it is easy to see this as a forerunner of the TC conferences which play so large a part in our lives today, both as pastime and principal innovative device in business. But the truth of this 2005 breakthrough tends to irk the highbrow. It succeeded because it was initially a rather downmarket network television programme. About 400 million people watched the first programme, and 3 million individuals or groups tapped in suggestions. Around 99 per cent of these were rejected by the computer as likely to increase the unhappiness of mankind. It became known that the rejects included suggestions submitted by the World Council of Churches and by many other pressure groups. This still left 31,000 suggestions that were accepted by the computer as worthy of ongoing analysis. As these 31000 community dialogues were honed, and details were added to the most interesting- with cross-linking and the co-mentoring practices of 12th grade email understood by people and those who design social software (eg 1 2) an exciting consensus began to emerge. Later programmes were watched by nearly a billion people as it became recognised that something important was being born.

    These audiences were swollen by successful telegimmicks. The presenter of the first part of the first programme was a roly-poly professor who was that year's Nobel laureate in economics, and who proved a natural television personality. He explained that economists now agreed that aid programmes could sometimes help poor countries, but sometimes most definitely made their circumstances worse. When Mexico was inflating at over 80 per cent a year in the early 1980s , the inflow to it of huge loanable funds made its inflation even faster and its crash more certain. The professor set Mexico's 1979-1981 economy on the model, pumped in the loaned funds and showed how all the indicators ( higher inflation, lower real gross domestic product and so on) then flashed red, signaling an economy getting worse, rather than green, signaling an economy getting better. ..The professor then put the model back to mirror the contemporary world of 2005, and played into it various nostrums that had been recommended by politicians of left, right and centre, but mostly left. The dials generally flashed red. Then the professor provided another set of recommendations , and asked viewers who wished to play to tap in their own guesses on the consequent movement of key economics variables in the model. Those who got their guesses right to within a set error were told they had qualified for a second round of a knock-out economic guesstimators' world championship. Knockout competitions of this sort continued for viewers throughout the series of programmes.

    In the second part of that first programme, the presenters dared to introduce political decisions into the game. They said that government-to-government aid programmes had been particularly popular among politicians during the age of over-government, but there was growing agreement that government-to-government aid was the worst method of hand-out. The excessive role played by governments in poor countries was one of the barriers to their economic advance, and a main destroyer of their people's freedom. Could anyone have thought it would be wise to give aid to President Mbogo?

    The first questions to be asked in the next few programmes, said the compilers, were 1) which countries should qualify for aid? ; and having decided that, 2) up to what limits and conditions? ; and 3) through what mechanisms? They promised that later programmes after the first half-dozen would examine how any scheme could be used to diminish the power of governments and increase the power of free markets and free people.
    Open Copyright Asserted by Macrae.nets for all co-edited weblogs, co-hosted open spaces and cafes of collaboration knowledge city & country. Excerpted from Chapter 6 of The 2024 Report first published in the UK 1984. Republished in American and French as The 2025 Report in 1985, and in German as The 2026 Report in 1986; soon used to provide the Swedish Charter for Online with The New Vikings. Further inquiries welcomed by communities with urgent needs through
  • More Future History Co-scripts here

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    Rebuilding lives, post-tsunami 

    Some countries get grants and payments from the west, and squander them. Others use them wisely. It says a great deal about some of the affected by the December 26, 2004 that many have been able to make headway on their . At Ton Zijlstra’s blog, he highlighted a report in the about how were used—namely among in the affected region—and concludes with a very logical definition on what an is: ‘Economy after all is not about the material you use or its worth, it is primarily about the number of created.’
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    Another way to frustrate your customers 

    I had been on how certain were improving their , such as the in , and recent Medinge Brands with a Conscience award winner ABN AMRO/Banco. At Johnnie Moore’s Weblog (citing Zopa) I read that is going to remove clocks from its branches in the UK, to stop complaining about how long they have to wait in the queue (article in ’s ).
       Which begs the question: how stupid does NatWest think Britons are? Would you not notice that you were still waiting a long time without the clock? Isn’t it simply more logical to work more ?
       Now, there is going to be one less thing to look at at NatWest. The prettiest teller in the branch should watch out for an increase in perving. Beware the funny-looking chap with the pocketless trousers.
       I have never heard of less customer information being healthy. The NatWest will no doubt become weaker with more frustrated customers, as they make some of them late for appointments.
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    Get your naff advertising slogan here! 

    Just spotted this on Phil Gerbyshak’s blog: a link to an advertising slogan generator. It’s as naff as heck, but it may be of use to some. If they improve on it and made it serious, it could become a threat to . But not for a long time coming, if its present state is anything to go by.
       It does show, perhaps, the of . actually do have some effect on and on , more so than (according to a JY&A Consulting study I led), and they need to be chosen carefully for alignment. However, thanks to , there are enough people undervaluing them—and a decent slogan generator may not be as far away as we think.
       After all, there are web now, and companies doing generic for less than $100—both being very dangerous to the optimal . Show me one person who can do a logo for an independent client (i.e. not himself or herself) for under $100 while considering all the .
    Good points you make here Jack. While many (probably most) can't do a logo for under $100, with all the new tools out there that get easier and easier to use, do you think that we'll see more and more do it yourself logos/websites/others, while only the big players are able to spend bigger bucks on an all out brand assault?  
    Hi Phil: yes, I believe so. There will be a split between DIYers and larger players, and that will be interesting to observe. My first reaction was negative, because I believe everyone should have a right to have the best. But, the $100 logos might not be fatal for an organization. There could be a company that adopts the $100 design, hits pay dirt, then expands using that logo. The New Zealand chain, the Warehouse, certainly had an old logo (now changed) that was made up of Letraset block lettering, and ran a single store in Wellington. It went national, then international—all with the ugly logo. The bad logo actually stood for the budget-priced values the organization had and became a useful rallying point.  
    Good insights Jack. I never thought of the $100 logo standing for the values of an organization before. Thanks for answering my question!  
    It’s still pretty dangerous to adopt one—what I speak of is a pretty rare case. I would always recommend one spend more to get it right—like a lot of things in life, you get what you pay for.  
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    December 29, 2005

    Americans name their top 2005 brands (there is hope) 

    iPodLandor and Penn, Schoen & Berland have just done a survey of Americans’ top of 2005, and has come out trumps. While I dislike intercapitalized words, and am always tempted to write Ipod, I have to admit these little have . I won’t get one, but they have changed the world.
        changed people’s habits and most cellphone owners have altered their lives to serve the . But there was no single dominant brand—only in recent times have people begun saying, ‘I have a .’
       But from the start, people have been saying, ‘I have an iPod,’ and have been willing to change their music-buying and downloading habits as the gadgets’ slaves.
       And there are web sites devoted to the iPod—which were all too happy to break the news. Even I have been part of .
       At iPodNN, the site reported on the study:

    The 2005 ImagePower Newsmaker Brands Survey identified the high-profile brands in [sic] minds as well as which brands suffered, and what think their future holds for 2006.

       Nothing unexpected there. Nor was there anything unexpected from the other findings, which we’ve been saying for five years (excepting the and bits):

    The results also showed that programs are “out,” while are back “in.” Reality shows and “ ()” were named among the top 20 losing brands in 2005, while dramas such as “Desperate Housewives” and “Lost” were named among the winning brands. …
       The survey also found that while continue to be top-sellers in the U.S., cars win the branding battle, as the Ford Escape hybrid makes the winners list and the ranks No. 6 on the losers [sic] list. “With the rise in and increased sensitivity to the , drivers realize the importance of hybrid cars and manufacturers are responding by offering sleeker, more popular models in hybrid form” [said the survey.]

       But what was insightful was this—again unsurprising, but worthy of note given where the planet says it wants to head:

    earned tremendous positive appeal and placed third on the 2005 winning brands list. According to results, Oprah continues to generate positive buzz through her giveaways, book club, magazine and various successful extensions of her brand.

       Think of Oprah as positive and inclusive, two things which ’s was not. Oprah is the embodiment of a good brand, particularly with her (her show) and personal aims. May we even say that this is how all —or at least all brands founded on a person—should be?
       The full list has been published at USA Today, at this link, along with the predicted winners for next year (with leading). Note the surprises here, including ’s , , and (if you need a qualifier—in this case your product category—how strong, really, is your brand?).
       As for next year, we think there are one or two major brands that are going to come from nowhere. Shhh. More in .
    The Brandchannel survey is out now—commentary is here.  
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    India bugged 

    Volkswagen New BeetleIf you ever needed a sign of whether a country has made it past merely feeding its , look at where the is sold.
       I don’t mean the or or , but the , the fashion icon based on the old Golf platform.
       It’s more antiquated than the , has less room than the Golf, costs more than the Golf and is less practical than the Golf.
       But when you have enough buyers for it who like a car for its charm and fashion statement (even though I thought it was from the start—how can you glamourize something that came out of Third Reich policy?), and begin looking at emotive reasons for buying something (let’s face it, most of us in the west do), then life is no longer about merely surviving till the next day.
       The in that country is no longer about creating vehicles for like the (Topolino and Bambina) or the 360.
       The latest country to join the New Beetle ranks is India, which gets the bug “unveiled” next month at its Auto Expo. is denying that it will sell the New Beetle, this time with a 2·5 litre engine, but you don’t bring cars to shows to whet appetites if you have no intention of selling them—at least not like this. If showcasing were the sole motive, Volkswagen of could have done that in the late 1990s or early 2000s.
       The Passat, Phaeton and Touareg will also be shown—highly expensive cars for the everyday buyer, but the market is there for these vehicles, albeit as limited imports.
       I realize that there are and BMWs in a lot of places in India, and the Merc W124 was even built there at one point, but even they serve a purpose (of ) without sacrificing a level of . But the Beetle is, as far as I can tell, the most impractical little toy on which one can waste money and get appalling —at least there it convincingly diverges from the original Hitler KdF-Wagen concept.
    Update: even Bugatti is scheduled to make an appearance in India, reports Rediff. India is ‘on track to becoming the third largest car market’.  
    i love the new version of the 500..have you seen it? they have made revive the older's very stylish..take a look at the official website:  
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    Had a lovely chat to Johnnie Moore this morning—great to be in touch with another Medinge Group member and Beyond Branding author. When I look back at my nearly four years’ involvement with the group, the thing that impresses me most is the have endured. We are all involved in in a deep way, but what really connects us is the aims that resulted in BB, and impact our everyday work. Many of us genuinely became friends.
       Johnnie’s latest trip to is a flying visit and he’ll be back in winter soon, so we won’t get a chance to meet in person this time. But no doubt we’ll catch up somewhere on this planet—Medinge’s exclusive but membership means there are plenty of places we can go to in order to grab a coffee and chat to a local. And, of course, discover the next grand development in branding and, dare I say it, .
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    Fashion without snobbery 

    Summer Rayne OakesThe 500th post at Beyond Branding. And I hope it’s meaning­ful.
       My friend David Freak, of the Freak label in , is known for recycl­ing fashion and showing them in unconven­tional venues, includ­ing gay night­clubs. But he is not alone: the have just done a show called the & fashion show, which has some fashion, adorned on and trans­vestites.
       I know for a fact that has more tradi­tional fashion shows, just as New Zealand does, but it is interest­ing that this item made the Asso­ciated Press news­wires.
       Cuba is a nation of tinker­ers—not surprising when materials are not in as great a Gabriel Scarvelli in Luciresupply as they are in the west. However, this may have height­ened Cuban inventive­ness. And it might even show a way forward, because not enough of the west in fashion.
       I applaud the show for being inclu­sive. Not only did it have fashion, but local joined in.
       The west does shows like this, but includ­ing artists is usually done out of . I have a feeling the Cubans have little room, in a commun­ist nation, for snobbery. And my friend Mr Freak has little room for it, too.
       Another special designer is Gabriel Scar­velli (above), who also looks to a sustain­able prin­ciple in his . But he, too, is a rare example in the west—some­thing that tried to change (and has been changing) with its ‘Behind the Label’ series on chic developed by model and Summer Rayne Oakes (top left).
       It’s fashion with a statement, and for a change it’s positive, , and . We need more of it, please, whether it’s in Cuba or some­where else. And it’s a great way to celebrate 500 posts here at Beyond Branding.
    PS.: I built on these themes a little more at Stefan Engeseth’s Detective Marketing blog here.  
    im very interested to get your opinion of my topic and my blog as im working on a research paper to do with gay fashion branding, if you would check it out id be appreciative  
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    Party frock 

    Yours truly has given the BBB a small for the New Year. Think of it as an annual model change like Detroit used to do: the content’s identical, it means very little, has little effect on the , but cosmetically it’s a little more au courant.
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    To boldly go and other split infinitives 

    As relayed by Beyond Branding’s own Johnnie Moore, a blog post by John Moore (no relation) at Brand Autopsy is here. Fans are making their own episodes, based on the original time line. I’ve not too much to add to Johnnie’s thoughts here—this is at its best. Who says the is in the hands of the corporation? The twenty-first century (and the twenty-third) is about working with your .
       Incidentally, the are great.

    Thanks for spotting this for me. I started doing a little digging and found a wealth of information on this story. As it turns out, Star Trek: New Voyages, is being produced with the approval of Paramount and is now getting stars of the original series to appear in some of its episodes.

    You can read more about it on the "Much Ado About Marketing" blog.


    Mike Bawden
    Brand Central Station  
    Wonderful, Mike! I’ve just popped by and enjoyed your additional research.  
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, Jack. I have always been a Star Trek fan - but could never bring myself to adopt the fanatic qualities of a "Trekkie" (or the more sophisticated "Trekker"). Instead, my fascination has always been with the creative and production processes, the behind-the-scenes stories and the momentum created by a relatively simple idea.

    Keeping that in mind, I'm particularly fascinated by this latest development in the Star Trek mythos. ST:NV replicates the original series (ST:TOS) in more than just characters, sets and props. This latest venture is produced on a shoestring (the third and fourth episodes are being shot at the same time to save money) and, by all accounts, the production appears to be running behind schedule.

    The beauty of the brand equity behind Star Trek, though, is that the fans won't care. They'll wait. They'll download the episode in bits and pieces and then find ways to stitch it together for their own viewing pleasure.

    The whole thing is truly remarkable.

    Thanks again for the comment.

    Best Regards,

    Mike Bawden
    Brand Central Station  
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    December 28, 2005

    You beauty 

    I should not comment too much on , since it’s the province of my co-author Thomas Gad, but if you are a , the sensible thing would be to have your own blog, as Miss Singa­pore, Shenise Wong, does.
       When my good friend Amber Peebles (pic­tured at left, in a photo taken by yours truly) went to Sanya in Red China as ’s represen­tative last year, there was an where the global public could for their favour­ite. A special award was given to the contes­tant who polled the best.
       It’s one of those “if onlys”. If she had a , and it were success­fully, people would get to know her. It’s the old idea of forming a connec­tion with your public. Natur­ally, she should have someone filter the strang­er comments out, but posting the daily life of a beauty queen, as Miss Singa­pore did, would have had plenty of support. When the votes were needed, she could have had a public to mobilize.
       After the competi­tion was over, and the crown handed to her succes­sor, the blog could serve to launch her in whatever field she wanted.
       The world has changed things—but it is still “just a tool” that creates that old-fashioned connec­tion between two parties. Once upon a time, in the village, the vendor and the customer would have that very link. Today, tech­nology acts as the bridge, killing the concept of . But the idea goes a bit further than that. It makes each of us our own ’ agent, and it can even create a career for our­selves.
       We might next see blog next, to win votes—and to allow for real .
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    A world without time 

    A friend of mine records her, and sometimes her husband’s , and this one came across as quite inspiring:
    [He] dreamed last night that he was trying to get the people of the world to forget everything they previously knew about “”. There would be no more dates, hours, years … He had convinced me easily but was going out into the world to try to get this to happen. Interesting, huh? He felt it would change so much.
    It would certainly get us over the mentality. are almost like that—unlike and , there is no fixed In fact, some online magazines are the same. When they come out, they have passion, rather than fatigue, behind them, because they have been given the time to mature.
       It makes sense in many ways—already are saying they need new models every six months because the novelty of a car doesn’t stay for two years any more. Remove the notion of time, and this would not matter.
       I know: some of you are thinking ‘!’ Perhaps so—but I know that we have sacrificed for time in this day and age. And we keep saying that we want more trust in our business and personal . If we weren’t so ingrained into an society, we might rediscover that level of trust once more.
       What else is preventing trust?
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    December 27, 2005

    India, the hottest investment destination 

    Rediff has an article that suggests the world is catching on to what I have been saying for years: is the hot destina­tion. Indian-made products are better than Japanese ones, says chairman Okuda Hiroshi. You get a that speaks English and has incentives to , because the state does not come in to take your ideas. (Hint to : wake up before you play catch-up.)
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    Mercury rising? 

    ’s brand is targeting women. In a way, it makes sense: Mercurys are dressed-up cars and fancier than the Fords on which they are based. But they look the same as Fords. They have about the same de­precia­tion. A Ford grille runs horizontally and a Mercury grille runs vertically. Up-spec a Ford to Mercury equip­ment and it would cost the same.
       The campaign may increase short-term sales but I still say: make Mercurys different. Make the an American , where the cars are sportier and more powerful. If it’s a , treat it as such within the organi­za­tion (as it once did), not “just another” Ford division.
       Without —one of the tenets of brand­ing—this campaign is going to be like any other “aimed at women” car campaigns, because the products are the same.
       What happens when Ford tries to go the premium route by increasing standard equip­ment? It’s a long-held Ford method: start the new range off with basic models, and up-spec them each model year. Ford, too, is aiming to be , if the badging on the cars and the overall are anything to go by. The result: the dif­feren­tia­tion could be lost.
       And if women make 80 per cent of car-buying decisions, which is Mercury’s claim, then wouldn’t everyone wish to target women? Why doesn’t Ford or Lincoln?
       To its credit, the company says Mercury is targeting a youthful, , rather than a —but that means . These are the who have rejected the Saab 9-2X because they know it’s a Subaru in drag. Will they know Mercurys are Fords with falsies? They sure can see through a lot more than , or anyone, give them credit for. In fact, is their known ad- being addressed?
       I say give women sportier, butch Mercurys—every ounce of research I’ve done suggests they like cars that are sexy to them, and that means shapes that aren’t curvy, but nicely chunky. I know that means expen­sive sheet­metal differ­ences. But globally, Ford develops more cars than it offers in the . I’d love to see the Mk II (C307) offered Stateside. If it wears Mercury (not Merkur) badges, then why not complement the existing range? Make it a little differ­ent—or differ­ent enough to show customers you’re serious about Mercury being a brand of its own.
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    American media bias is real 

    On the decline of and how their unwilling­ness to diminish­es their : I know the lean heavily in favour of the , and sensed that the media were the same. I had read reports that support­ed that, from both sides of the . It’s nice to see that confirmed in a liberal state’s univer­sity, which to me gives more credence to the claim.
       A UCLA has revealed a study of Ameri­can (see here), revealing some truths:
    • the Drudge Report actual­ly leans slightly to the left;
    • Gannett’s USA Today is the most cen­trist outlet;
    • the most centrist outlets are: NewsHour With , ABC’s Good Morning America, ’s Newsnight with , ’s Special Report with and the Drudge Report;
    • of 20 major media outlets studied, 18 were left of centre, with the most liberal being The , Evening News, The and the Los Angeles Times.
       I have always argued that ’s Fox News Channel’s Brit Hume, based on my few view­ings, was not biased to the right, but because so much news is left-leaning, that becomes “normal” to the . This is es­pecial­ly so in , where, for instance, ’s recent positions on Prop­o­si­tions 73 through 77 were never covered, nor were his reasons for denying clemen­cy for . When actual­ly arrives, it looks —when it is, in fact, merely right-leaning compared to the very liberal that we are usually fed.
    PS.: For the record, I am opposed to the death penalty.  
    I still believe in the existence of the liberal bias, but Johnnie Moore has revealed that the methodology may be flawed, and the author of the research could himself be accused of bias. See his comment on my blog here.  
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    Kerry Packer passes away, aged 68 

    , and the nation’s richest man, has died: was a young (by today’s standards) 68. And with him passes an era, one where ruled.
       I will hand it to the late Mr Packer as a man, and as a company head. He was a , and he did right by a lot of people. From what I know, he did right by his family. I was always raised to believe that if your family is around you when you go, you’ve had a good life. And Packer had a good life. And the way his companies were run was success­ful in the twenti­eth century.
       His son, James, will inherit the Packer empire, the third generation of the clan to be big media owners. One of the companies, Publish­ing and Broad­casting Ltd., has interests, too, which are more than contribut­ing to its bottom line—and are occupying, I would say, more and more of its time.
       Its diversification is a shrewd move, and a useful legacy for the third genera­tion. The senior Packer did a wise thing not just to put succes­sion in place, but to diver­sify into an area where the junior has continued to shine. And James Packer has a knack of picking competent, people to run family interests.
       I wish the Packer family well as it mourns, and I wish James Packer well as his father’s successor.
       The news coincides with the early death of Italian–American actor , aged 57. It has been a big day for the obits.
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    December 26, 2005

    The great New Zealand Muldoon cover-up 

    is presented as a decent, honest nation, and for the most part it is. But during every General no one dares mention the 1975–84 era, when (later Sir Robert) was Prime Minister.
       It’s as though both the major parties have agreed to cover the era up, or, when it is mentioned, such as on a recent historical series on TV One—or any other programme, for that matter—it must be slanted against Sir Robert. I have never seen a positive one since Muldoon’s passing, or, for that matter, during Muldoon’s lifetime.
       I wrote in response to this blog entry that New Zealanders are more ready to admit to Satanism than Muldoonism. But the writer of the post, Oliver, at least has the guts to talk about the era, and analyse the good versus the bad.
       He doesn’t say Sir Robert got it all right, but he did get many things right—things that both parties completely shun.
       There’s a distinct lack of when it comes to learning from the past, and that harms New Zealand’s chances of becoming an advanced . With an downturn predicted, thanks to the lack of in since the 1990s, they still aren’t learning.
       Muldoon is rejected because of (a) the —New Zealand politicians are afraid to have a PM with absolute power, lest such power be used against them; (b) the fact that used Muldoon-style policies to good effect in the last 20–30 years, and the public must not know. Shhh. We can’t let Kiwis realize what we have done. Roger and Ruth and now, Michael Cullen—the equivalents of the Chancellor of the Exchequer—need to keep this quiet. Letting rescue a few years back would have been fatal to the illusion, so, like some psychiatric patients who need to maintain a fantasy, let’s keep the at bay.
       OK, that’s in conspiracy-theory-land, and I mostly wrote it tongue-in-cheek. But like all humour, there are some elements of truth.
       My message is this: let’s just “get over it” and see what we can learn from this era, and what could have worked. After all, New Zealanders voted Muldoon thrice. New Zealanders—I mean most of the country who aren’t sitting on their hind ends in Parliament trying to kill any chance the nation has of working itself out of the coming slump—want to know.
       If New Zealand is to get its right, then it must be inclusive. It does well at incorporating the viewpoint of many people who would be against—New Zealand was, proudly, the first country to vote in a transsexual into Parliament—but it does not do well at incorporating the viewpoints of those who might want to shed light on the Muldoon era.
       The thinking goes like this: a Muldoon ally, Sir William Birch, wears a suit. Hence Sir Bill must not be listened to. (Now, they would if he was disabled, or gay, or both.)
       Even an unbiased foreigner, like economist John Kay, with his analysis of the post-Muldoon reforms, doesn’t get a fair deal in the New Zealand, its all too keen to report on the government telling Johnny K. Foreigner where to go.
       At the same time, the government is telling New Zealanders where to go, too. They are smart enough to see , with its more cautious of the 1980s, is economically superior and a better source for jobs—and care little for the great New Zealand Muldoon cover-up. If they could, they, too, would say, ‘Get over it.’
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    Sly and the Corporation Stone 

    This is by no means a new post from my colleague Jennifer Rice, on the fact () people are withdrawing into themselves, and the idea of that plays together is dismantling, called ‘Brand Humanity: From Processes to People’.
       I make two remarks. The first is: will this swing back any time soon? People are discovering there are strengths to their families, and the that are growing rapidly and on target to overtake the west still have the family at the core. As gains in influence, we may wish to learn from it. Secondly, if the family is dis­integrat­ing, just as once did in the wave of and , then will take their place? They did for the fictional Mary Richards on The Show, when she called her WJM-TV colleagues her ‘family’; and that was a 1977 script.
       If so, then some of the fears of are coming true, with corpora­tions running people—and it won’t work with corporations retaining a profit motive. They already demand our through . They expect our love. Some of us identify more with their than with our own surnames—we know their origins ahead of our own .
       We might need an movie (like and ) again to jog our memories.
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    Fly the friendly skies 

    Ismael Ghalimi’s experience with United (blogged here) is a positive sign that the airline is putting up front—and that can only be a good thing for the . As a with —and enjoying its Channel 9 cockpit radio com­munica­tions—it was very pleasing to see that there is a major side. (In fact, it was good customer service that got me joining its in the first place.) Ismael’s post also talks about in the mid-2000s, and how effec­tive services such as LinkedIn were in helping him out of his bind.
    Actually they were as unfriendly as ever Dec29. If you pay abot 600 dollars for an economy! Transatlantic flight, this year's innovation is to charge you for any alcoholic drink (in any other sector than airlines, all USA airlines declaring this at the same time would be treated as a monopoly fixing). I actually flew United the first day this extreme customer imprisonment happened and had a long chinwag with the bursar (not my fault made, heaven knows what the top's next edict will be!). By yesterday of course the whole economy meal service had declined -as happens when you give a crew the lead of cut everything that takes a bit of serving, which will as night follows day lead to cutting crew. I understand that the old way of serving drinks took staff about 5 parses up and down the aisle- now its down to one with an attempt to say do you really want coffee after they have tried to colect the meal tray.

    Of course this customer abuse by United is of nothing compared with raiding employees pensions funds which appeared the way that United got out of the last chapter 11, unless someone wants to explain how else it was done. And I just feel that when a sector actually declines in what if offers customers whilst continuing such hi cost garbage as friendly sky ads or in London recently the even more abominable American airline theme of if we can keep New Yorker happy just think what we'll do to you, we should say what crap it is to add insult to injurty to spend 2 minutes shouting at passengers - by the way federal rules prohibit you bringing your own vino.Bah scrroge, bah humbug, resign whomever you in Chicago who does not love customer service and sustaining employees.

    On this sector's economics of exponentials, we can be sure that all of the major American airlines are heading the way of the dodo, except South West Airlines 1 where the intrapreneurial value multipliers meaning of the service economy is truly lived by and for serving all people  
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    December 25, 2005

    ‘You must be American and boring to contribute to this site’ 

    Not that I have the time, but I can waste hours at the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). And today, to chill out, I decided to feed in a review of The New Avengers, only to find that the system has rejected it for ‘Your comment contains prohibited words’ and insisted on, for instance, American for words such as phoney.
       Most companies, when they acquire others, try to keep their intact. IMDB, being originally , seems to have lost that. It was once run by a bunch of Brits who accepted viewpoints, even those written in , from around the world. This latest incident suggests that not only do you have to write in American English, a form adopted by a minority of speakers and only barely tolerated by the majority, but that all humour and sparkle must be removed from the reviews.
       I don’t complain about the IMDB putting checks in place—it is right to do so—but it is in danger of crossing the same line many did in the 1990s. Then, banks things to such an extent that the was lost. It is only this decade that they are rediscovering their connections.
       By rating human below that of a machine, the IMDB encourages dullness, and it will harm its usefulness. It always had some level of checking, but if I were to insist that my spellings were correct, it would still let me through. Not any more, it seems. I have written to the company to inform them of my thoughts and asked them what is exactly prohibited about my review. Hopefully I will get a response, and by that I do not mean a -type one where the chap (?) has copied and pasted from an FAQ to get me off his back.
       Read through the piece below and see what you think. Please bear in mind the comments at the IMDB do not contain italicization.
    If you were a child of the 1970s, then you will probably remember this as the definitive , and find the original rather odd. It’s not to say I dislike the original, but when I watched The New Avengers in the 1970s, it had that sense of realism and style that was very formative in my younger days.
       Technically, the 1970s saw lighter cameras and greater use of location filming, two things that made The New Avengers different from its forebear. These enabled the series to be grittier, in keeping with the mood of the time. Preserving the fanciful, “British ” ideals of the 1960s’ series would have gone sharply against the realism that viewers demanded in the 1970s. Britons (and plenty of people worldwide) wanted to see , not a studio mock-up of it. And car chases were de rigueur. On these counts, The New Avengers delivered.
       Purdey, not Emma Peel, was the first strong female character I knew on television. Columbia Pictures Television’s Police Woman seemed phoney with Angie Dickinson getting her gun out of her handbag; it was ’s willingness to do her own action sequences that made her Purdey character more convincing. You did not piss this woman off. The fact she did her high kicks while wearing , and not encased in PVC, did not seem strange; it was more her short hair that naice girls on telly did not have.
       And because I was introduced to the Avengers’ mystique through this series, I have always been used to the idea of 's John Steed being the elder statesman. The suggestive nature of his relationships with his female partners in the 1960s seemed inappropriate when I viewed The Avengers in re-runs (and Macnee once quipped that he felt John Steed did consummate his relationships ‘continuously and in his spare time’). The Gambit character played by Gareth Hunt was more my idea of the action-oriented British gent who had spent time in the military, though I recall both being relatively wooden, save for a few episodes.
       The spy story lines were entertaining, and I understand the original series’ fans being less than impressed. But they were a clever differentiation from the typical cop shows of the decade, and even though there were some corners cut (using old footage of Diana Rigg in one episode), I never felt cheated by The New Avengers. The style that Brian Clemens and his team introduced to this series kept viewers on the edge of their seats, and it must have been good enough to warrant a second season at the time—even if the latter was partly made in France and Canada. Even then, the episodes were not as bad as some have made out—Continental filming, in particular, gave me one of my earliest impressions of Europe. I don’t think I had seen anything made in Canada prior to The New Avengers.
       In many respects, The New Avengers was more a forerunner to The Professionals—one of the greatest British actioners made—than a successor to The Avengers. It had the same producers and very similar crews. By coincidence, ’ Lewis Collins and Martin Shaw guest-starred together in one episode. And, like The Professionals, it gave the sense that after an hour, you got great value. The same could not be said for most TV series of this genre today, made to please a and an accounting firm rather than the audience.
    Apparently, according to the IMDB’s George, who kindly and very politely responded today, you can’t say piss in America without offending someone, in a country where you can show Dennis Franz’s ass on NYPD Blue on network television. That pisses me off. I mean, who gets pissed off with piss? And Dennis Franz’s ass offends me more than piss.  
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    to any club of city, what brand networks your citizens greatest value multiplication of the future? 

    This seems to be the question citizens need social space to keep on debating openly at cafes and tea parties- a very different idea than being governed by a plan that one man comm,ands & controls or electioneering soundbiting. Not much of globally networked value has anything to do with being foirced to choose between left & right. Instead it harmonises such segmentations, liberating people as we boldly go about serving what we have multiplied through deepest learning experiences and around network's life's co-mentoring and maps.

    Two of the crucial dynamics netizens need to liberate through collaboration knowledge city around the world are:
  • what worldwide sectors does our city have historically biggest investment in whose futures we still want to influence to be best for the world of humanity?

  • what deep voice contexts have been preneurially and passionately been multiplying innovative learning for half a lifetime or more?

  • In the case of London, we have the great good fortune to be where the most phosynthesis energy inventors connect. Their bubble like architectures provide the dream of abundant energy, that cleans as it is used- a sustainable network model's (capable of compounding expoentials that are forver above zer-sum) core multiplier is one group's wate being another's input. We have the great luck that enough sustainability investnment funders are available to take these bubble prototypes all over the UK in 2006, and all over the world's most extreme climate locations before 2010. And once the BBC's world service discovers how liberating this story can be for societies and economies, the change in hi-trust media will bring tears to Bleary eyes and Foxy Murdochs and stars who could be living lives as real heros beyond celbrity's sordid images.

    In the case of Washington DC, we have 21 years of developing the world's most extensive conflict resolution facilitators network. We have today's most popular future history journalist selling 1.3 million books around themes such as Green is the Next Red, White and Blue. We have the strongest Intrapreneur network, (1) ready to question all other preneur networks on how to collaborate and do Project30000 by 2010.

    So in the huge jigsaw connecting game of global brand architectures, we can now openly charter what the last 5 years of missed 21st C collaboration misled. Namely Value Multiplication energised trust-flow's service TIMES network boundaries transparency's TIMES 6 billion beings productive and demanding interest in sustainability exponentials.

    Will your ClubofCity or netizen web join in with a deep voice or a sector whose future vision your society has a lot invested in making best for the whole collaborating world of humanity. Happy Christmas or other godly carnival be with you this day on. Come join Britain's senior economist and at every city's tea party in 2006 and start the fifth entreprenurial revolution of economics for and by people, not just commanded every 90 days by the top separated from where all valuetrue social interactions critically revolve

    Chris Macrae, World Class Brand Networks
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    December 24, 2005

    Happy holidays, etc. 

    Since I’ve grown up in New Zealand and observe the holidays there, and because this wish means the most to me, merry Christmas to all Beyond Branding blog readers out there. I’ll be around during the break, so you can expect the odd entry from me (pun intended). Take care out there and watch them drinks!
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    ad day 10, to club of Delhi with love 

    We wish to thank India for being the most collaborative large country in the Universe. I take a priority in getting Club of Delhi back in space after the Clubof City meltdown by google on Dec 9; also BrandsIndia and as the most collaborative centre of brand methodolologies we are launding Brand Chartering blog on the 10th bitrhday of the genre of organisation-wide living and learning the brand
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    December 23, 2005

    ad calendar day 9: to any citizen, put your city's greatest sector vision on the map 

    ClubofCity invite you to put your city on the map by mailing us at with info on a sector whose future visions you all have a major worldwide influence on
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    To any city, do you have a social preneurial hub that's as collaborative as Rio's 

    Use Rio's Catalytic Communities as a benchmark. We need social spaces where community preneurs can define projects peoples need from the grassroots up. Strangely that's become an oposite dynamic from most .gov and even most NGO (Non government offices) that plans top down. Rio goes a step further: it not only provides a social space for people to communally identify and develiop projects, but thaose which breakthrough it catalogues for collaborative use by any community with a parallel challenge. Hubs can therefore evolve to be one of the leading contributirs to Project 30000.

    Personally, I recommend the number 1 catalyst needed know in any city brand with a collaborative future is to open up social spaces; hubs are a great model for anyone's social network; and they doevtail nicely with such emerging exponentials as microfinance, sustainability investment and electronic jam's such as habitatjam sponsored recently by Canada. You can see that the social and networking search for collaboration knowledge city numbers 20 million...
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    December 21, 2005

    To DC is green the new red, white & blue? 

    In a Charlie Rose interview last night, author Thomas Friedman was asked: why's your book The World is Flat (a short history of the 21st C) selling 1.3 million books. He said: on reflection, I believe your parents and my grandparents knew that life in the USA was getting better overall: that their children would have a better life than them. Today, everyone is starting to doubt that.

    His interview closed with the question: if Bush & Cheney asked you to summarise what you know from surveying people aroumd the world what you say. "We need an energy startegy, not for the last 90 days but for our futures. The first country to collaborate with China in developing green energy breakthroughs will win-win-win. The reason I say this is that China's need is most urgent. In continuing its growth exponential, it will be the first to suffocate if carbonised energy is all there is. Gree, Mr President, is the new red, white & blue; and just as Nixon needed his China breakthrough for his legacy, your's could be wonderful now if you could boldly go green.

    Anyone for debating this at Club of DC or Entrepreneurial Revolution (where my dad's 1984 prediction was that America would need to change economics in a way that would unit 2 million global villages as the 5th preneurial revolution of humanity becoming networked & paradigm shift of death of distance)?
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    The author and the reader are united 

    Clicking on Beyond in Blogger’s directory nets two entries: mine and a gentleman named Francis Wade, who is currently reading the . Mr Wade, thank you for reading our book. This feature in Blogger is interesting, as it contributes to the idea that and are part of the same group. As days go by, this reflects reality more and more.
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    December 20, 2005

    Brands with a Conscience 2006 announced 

    The Medinge Group, from which the Beyond book sprung, has announced its 2006 with a Conscience here. This year’s criteria were expanded to allow for companies in positive transformation in , and that is a good thing. It means we can encourage change in some of the larger organizations out there, such as BP and Toyota (for the Prius), which have managed to get in to this year’s list. Our more active, and lesser known, winners are present, too, such as First Mile Solutions and the Slow Food Movement.
       For reference again: read the release here or go to the Medinge Group web site for the PDF version.
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    To Colorado Springs, question of lost tolerance & lost transparency 

    As predicted here in 1984, and explained at 1 2 3, the human race will not be sustainable in our hyper-connected networking world of Century 21 unless we can end badwill interference of rich communities on poor communities on the other side of the world.

    1) Club of city needs to ask Club of Colorado whether the sort of hatred propogated by and its Citizen magazine here is representative of their place in the world. If not how can club of city help shine light on the mischief of this extreme minority; if yes we need a map of the world wirg red spots of places whose poor global neighbourliness is as intolerant as yours

    2) Of course this is interpersonal. Read all about the mischeif at the link. Teach all about it at our schools. Know that the recent Ugandan peoples have drawn poverty's miserable card of ill fortune: dictatorship by Idi Amin, decimation by HIV... And just as they had become a lead country in Africa for stemming HIV by condom campaigns, intervenes claiming that America's aid to the country should made conditional on no condoms being subsidised. In recent years, two of the greatest siants I have met at humanitarian networks are devoting their lives to trying to help African communities regerate. Their stories of children communities without parents bring tears to my eyes. But it was only recently that a chance discussion with a fellow passenger and doctor on a plabe made me aware of the sort of deep inhumanity of meddling of

    3) Note how they claim to have Bush's ear and values. Whether this is true I know not. But curiously its on a handul of microissues like these that Blairband should have tested Bush-values before going to bed with the man on global projects like Iraq. The failure to know a prospective global partner's local value has devalued the integrity of Britain's brand and its power of influence in other matters as discussed here

    4) Note the double standards. If Bush & are going on a moral crusade against Uganda's people, why not do so with China? Recent population statistics in China show more boys being born than girls- this can only mean that at some stage after the sex of the foetal child is identifiable, girls are being killed off. But then when was the last time that USA leadership boldly goes on a moral crusade against a powerful economic player?

    5) There are wider points here of how the national decision-making model cheats us out of the power of other identity. Where is womensworld in this debate. I believe that 99% of Britons would approve of the queen asking the BBC to do a Wolrd Service series of educational inquiries on interlocal intolerance issues like these -on and behalf of conversational freedoms of speech all women have a right to. Historically, national politicians have muzzled the Royal family from anything they call political. But as simpo (Simultaneous Policy) debates here 1 2: short-term nationally divisive political decisions are the world's worst dynamics on exponentials that value the future's global and local integration on the scale of sustainablilty (long-term!) of life. If Blair wants a legacy other than the lkowest trust PM Britain has been ruled over by in my lifetime, then encourage the queen and all women to BBC around big inter-city questions like the one I have tried to raise here. If we compound lost tolerance of rich on poor, we get global slavery and local holocausts. If we do this with 99.99% of the goodwill public being blind to what aid is being conditioned in our nations' names, then lost transparency will cost a networked world everything it values and ultimately every being. This is as certain as eggs are eggs, or mathematically as compound network connections = systems*systems

    Happy Christmas everyone from the Children of Uganda 1 2
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    December 19, 2005

    Victoria’s Secret II: a how-to guide 

    We’ve just posted a story on Victoria’s Secret at the online edition of —but it makes me wonder about the underwear . It’s extra­vagant, but the show, which was broad­cast a few weeks ago on CBS, looks garish. I can understand one house to represent one’s , but a dozen or more? Still, given that the roots are the catalogue, and the girls do look fantas­tic, the annual show and telecast—which must be the greatest ever made given its ratings—are a good example of extend­ing your brand using the .
       However, it’s a mega­bucks’ proposal. What of the every­day folks? In the years I’ve worked online—total­ling over 15—no one has actually used the to create a well-known . If I were to start a label today, I would try to create a career and a reputa­tion, much like those Popstars TV shows or even America’s Next Top Model. You could do it via blogging, and let word gradually filter out, or use the media to help you. The trick is not to go with the “obvious” (i.e. “glamour ”), unless that’s what your brand represents.
       You won’t become Victoria’s Secret, but you can create the mystique of the web’s most down­loaded woman with your own brand without spending tens of thousands of dollars an hour to secure the likes of .
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    December 18, 2005

    ad calendar day 5 - to Pakistan, which of 30000 pro franchises for humanity are you test socialising? 

    The networking world of 2005-2010 was billed in 1984 to be the greatest period for test socialising (a wee bit different from test marketing) humanity had ever learnt...whence our inter-citizens question to Club of Pakistan as follows:

    In our attempt to catalogue the 30000 projects most likely to change the world's humanity. Pakistan currently has one home project cited below (emanating from the first annual round of Clinton's Global Initiative sept 2005). Please do help us spot other 30000 projects which Pakistan will be test socilaizing the global franchise for

    For example, has one Pakistan superstar for humanity emerhed out of people with celebrity status in Pakistan given the people's challenges of recent months? If so we would love to feature that story at University of Stars

    Clinton Global Initiatives -Commitments as at Dec ...14 Dec 2005 by macrae.nets
    In partnership with the Institute for Islamic Policy Studies in Islamabad, Pakistan, the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy is conducting a project to reform the religious schools in Pakistan. An additional $226000 is ...
    searching 30000 grassroots projects... -
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    Tim Berners-Lee has a blog 

    It’s not the newest info out there, but it is worth mentioning that , the inventor of the , now has a blog. When is , you begin to realize just how much his technology has democratized—and now, poetically, he has joined a revolution which would not have existed without him. It’s also worth reflecting that the movement in could only have taken place with his invention.
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    December 17, 2005

    Face the brand 

    I see has signed on to be the new face of . And I’m sure I didn’t dream an email from one of my staff that is the face of erectile dysfunction. A face is necessary, but with the decline in -oriented sales as the gets sick of them, is this a good move? Ferre might feel Roberts is the right of his , and if so, I withhold my criticism.
       Whatever the case, houses need to be very careful about whom they select in an age when they need to seem closer to , not more distant from them. Fortunately, Julia Roberts isn’t conventionally (read boringly) , and has had a role like Erin Brokovich—and thus may find greater affinity with independent women out there.
    News of the decline in sales came from a friend. However, a search at Google News brings up other facts: a rise in celebrity magazines, which underscores Ferre’s decision. At the Indianapolis Star, there is an article on the rise of celebrity titles. However, part of my post stands: if people are in to celebs, then why not indulge them? Still, it seems to be at odds with other industries where “of the people” is the favoured, long-term approach.  
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    Helping with the imagination 

    Briefly on for a change, rather than big ones: with Christmas nearly here, I’ve ventured to stores to check out the jouets on offer for kids. Corgi is overpriced, something the Welsh brand has said it will change for 2006, as it’s not building new future customers who used to spend a few pence for a three-inch toy . is Hot Wheels: fanciful designs with little relevance to the real world, but some kids like that. The European manufacturers (Majorette, Norev, Siku) are going through a renaissance, creating toys that allow kids to re-create the street scenes they see every day and use their imagination. of Japan, as you would expect from the Japanese, continues to improve every day. But the big disappointment is . It’s still present, offering a selection that alienates most kids.
       When Matchbox became part of a few years ago, it had already been suffering. Through most of the 1990s, cheap Red Chinese production saw to ill-defined dies and cars that were barely recognizable. The features that were used to make it a leader—opening doors, suspension and detailing—were being deleted, model after model. But for most of this decade, Matchbox alienated kids further by designing cars that didn’t exist in real life—great for a few designers inside Mattel, those who were for the fictional Superfast cars that the brand used to have in the 1970s, and the accounts’ department, which didn’t have to fork out a licensing fee.
       Mattel, to its credit, is addressing this. Latest models, including a Dodge Charger R/T and a Volvo XC90, are gradually returning to the detailing of the late 1960s finally (still some way to go before they get to the early 1980s), although opening doors and suspension remain out of the question. However, Mattel is clearly doing its addressing from an headquarters.
       There is nothing particularly wrong with this, but I remember the days when Matchbox was as as Roger Moore. And it still managed to sell its products in America by being aware of the cars that were being produced there. It also managed to sell all over Europe. The miniature Plymouth Gran Furys, Mercury Cougars and Ford Mustangs appealed to the market as much as any other; but today’s non-American children will wonder what the relevance of the Dodge Charger, Cadillac Escalade and Lincoln Navigator is.
       I can’t help but feel the international feel of Matchbox, once an integral part of its , has been lost. American cars do not dominate the planet and one may as well be an extraterrestial when talking of Buick, Saturn and Mercury to most children; at least when Matchbox was English, you could buy Ford Cortinas, and other products British kids saw, in most of the world. And we played with them and it sparked off an interest in some of us. We talked to our friends about them. Some of us became adult collectors and we are buying models that look like the real thing, not a flight of fancy from a studio.
       Heck, maybe kids don’t care in 2005, but in 1975, we sure did. The fact Matchbox is changing its tune to showing real cars suggests I’m right—but a less US-centric approach could increase its miniature sales in markets.
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    New automotive niches: where to next? 

    I just posted at Autoblog how I feel manufactur­ers—despite the lack of breeding of their , with some excep­tions—learn from their lessons. manufac­turers repeat their mistakes. But after clicking on to a 20-year-old Top Gear video at Google, my mind went back to the early 1980s.
       Back in those days, I thought the Japanese were coming out with the coolest products. The third-genera­tion and Ballade CR-X. The high-roof Civic Shuttle, more than a decade before Renault gave us the equiv­alent Mégane Scénic and Opel its Zafira. The new Mazda Capella. The mini­vans such as the Nissan Prairie and the Mitsubishi Chariot. was about to come out with its world-beating front-wheel-drive . Even the Honda City was revolu­tionary. Europe kicked off the aero look with the 100 and Sierra, so there was some innovation, but , Inc. beat everyone.
       I just don’t think the Japanese have recaptured that. The new range of Lexuses has a spirit to it, but the cars are merely plusher and more refined than their pre­decessors. Like a Continen­tal Mark V was nicer than a Continen­tal Mark IV at Lincoln, once upon a time. Toyota now has western­ers on the board, which will help them break out of the committee-thinking that gives us Avensis after Avensis, but the aside, it hasn’t really broken any new ground. The excep­tion is Honda: it is doing better because it is putting out appealing products. Considering it was once a maker of lawnmowers, it has come a lot further with products such as the new Civic and Ridgeline.
       Exceptions aside, I don’t find the same appeal with Japanese cars as I once did. Their brands are keeping them going—a Toyota Corolla will fetch $2,000 more used than the Prizm, which is the same car out of the same factory in the —but brand effects only go so far. Getting more plush with each gener­ation is no solution—the US itself had been through that.
       The American are rediscover­ing this as the Japanese trounce them again.
       But where was that daring, anywhere in the world? We’ve done very little to find new niches in . Assuming we have found all the market niches in the world, then how about letting tech­nology catch up, rather than build cars with thicker leather and more buttons on the radio? The lightweight car, for instance, using new compo­sites? The car that does ? Who will main­stream ? Will someone take the lead from of 1979 and do more natural-gas cars? Methanol? Hydrogen? How about gyro tech­nology?
       Whomever is first to market with a new concept—and is prepared to make it mainstream—will “own” that category. Right now, you can’t overtake Toyota for hybrids, even if Honda has the Insight, Civic and soon, Accord. Red actually has potential to do something amazing here and show the world a way forward, if it wasn’t so busy fighting over the corpse of . That is, if the Polit­buro will let it.
       The most ready solution today is bio­diesel- or alcohol-powered cars. and already have access to such technol­ogies from their South American operations. Fiat, in particular, should be thinking about following up the Panda with something that could revolution­ize motoring, particularly after some weak years this century—and not the Grande Punto and the Croma. Or, once again, we might cast our eyes on and let a country, untainted by the narrow thinking of the west, lead the way in development. Already there are facilities such as DC Design for proto­typing and styling, and once finds a way to deliver a car for $2,000, then watch Tom Hanks, HRH the Prince of Wales and others try to buy one. Then they will all be saying why on earth they have not heard of cars, despite decades of Marutis, Hindu­stans, Premiers and Standards.
    Interesting. Similar to my own observations.  
    Thank you for commenting, Joel. I have an extra post about this based on what I would personally like to drive in the future at my blog.  
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    December 16, 2005

    ad calendar day 4, to Boston- why do MBA's get trained to cut up systems into silos? 

    To Boston, and Harvard
    -why with some of the world's greatest advocates of whole system design from Senge to Berners Lee

    do you teach MBA's as if subjects like strategy, branding, economics, human resources, accounting, investment are separate

    the time I gave a lecture at Harvard, I was told it was nigh on impossible to get more than one faculty department to join in; more seriously, when Bob Mnks, one of society's deepest experts in pension investments, gives you advice on how to invest your own huge endowments in compound wealth, the silence seems deafening

    We invite citizens and netizens who believe globalisation cannot afford one more shred of Manic Bastardisation of Administration (20th C MBA) to copme join our 30th birthday editorial parties for network economics and service economy revolutions here.
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    December 15, 2005

    ad calendar 3 to Paris, and France 

    For me there's an extreme irony in the Frnech nation's brand and lingua Franca:
    if we are ever going to succeed in transforming economics from being for the global bigger to get bigger, to the people's economics of 21st C networking learning's age as we forecast in 1984 would need revolutionising now

    then it will come by translating entrepreneurial models as everyone is invited to do here on the 30th anniverasy of entrepreneurial revolution

    the word comes from the French, I believe in the days that the republic took back the land so that people made better use of it than royalty; but these days the French obsession with land economics has compounded the vicious exponentials embedded in the EU agricultural policy and its compound vicious consequences for agricultural trade with the poorest countries

    is there any way the French can get beyond this? how about the English buying organic farming lessons with our EU rebate if you give up the agricultural distortions of the farming poincy and then we can all call Bush as this was the one offer he made at Gleneagles
    Blairband 2.0 writes: When we map the decaying exponentials of globalisation's impoversihment of Third of World (and consequent destruction of humanity) yes of course every Brit should have joined in surrendering 2.7 bn +5.5 billion pounds if that was the price to pay so that world trade of agricultural policies spun viciously out of Brussels & Paris were transformed for ever so that poor countries like Africa could trade what they grow instead of being drowned by all the butter mountains, milk waves, and 100 other food dumps that mad cows and slefish politicians compound.

    But instead : is 8.2 billion pounds being given away in the Blair Band's latest need for partying with leaders? in spite of 8 years of terrifying choices of leaders partied with? There comes a time when glory me image-making is a treason to the world if not to Britain. This breach seems nigh, unless early reports of lack of any change in paris and brussels's agricultural intent are wrong, in which case Tony you are a boy genius. You can be sure that Intercitizens will be watching- 21 years on the beyond nations revolution cannot come to soon for some -or many - of us ordinary beings.  
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    ad calendar day 2 - question to London 

    Whilst Simon Anholt and myself are BB's 2 longest running case students on branding of nations, I don't believe we have looked at the constitutional consequences before

    clearly the UK sustains its position as the world's largest economic Kingdom (well queendom these days since the queen and her mother and Di have led the way) -so what can we learn from the world’s most successful kingdom about freedom of journalists, marketing and economics?

    well until recently what we could be sure of was that being a kingdom, we londoners & brits were never ruled by big business, and that goverment was therefore also loyal to the people; our jourmalists were freer, particularly in 2 world leading media: the BBC world's largest public broadcaster and The Economist, whose leading story as an original global medium returning 100 times its shareholder investment in a generation is told here

    all this could mean that investigative journalists in London sustain transparency more than in many cities, especially about future revolutionary issues of management or global crisis: and keep the space open for big question debates of most public interest so the people's conversations the day after focused on reality-making topics not mere advertising imagery and celebrity gossip

    we all might expect these sorts of agendas to be the big conversations of Londoners 1995-2005:

    Changing communications, and what makes people distant, bossy, etc
    Changing national politics
    Changing economics
    Changing employment

    - which would then explain why brand marketers in Britain (eg Branson) would want to compound the best their sector could do for the world, and a people's economics of global markets would be developed in Britain

    It might lead to issuing these 2 world challenges for humanity's recovery of fast downturing exponentials as do-able with other club of cities support by 2010

    MEGA GOALS by 2010

  • turnround globalisation's poverty-making - 30000 replicable grassroots projects
  • End auditing's mathematical mistake - 80% of world's 1000 largest organisations governing trust-flow so that 80% of wealth is seen instead of currently unseen

    Further briefing for jourmalists: A report (titled Unseen Wealth) issued by economists and scholars of law in 2000, confessed that due to a mathematical mistake , the larger the organisation the less likely it is to be governing what impacts it is compounding for humanity. Since then our expert futures circles (including entrepreneurs since 1976 and network experts since 1984) have been working hard on the jigsaw pieces of this problem – its maths, its maps, and its stories - as you can see from browsing 1 2 3 4

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    December 13, 2005

    an advent calendar of brand learn-style questions to your city 

    In this family season of the year, I will attempt each day to ask a question to one city which all cities and citizens can learn from. I intend to give the question a particular focus as well as to ask generally:
    -does your city either have an answer to some of the future's downcurves tabled yesterday? Or a network deeply concerned with reconciling one of these curves which wants to collaborate with similarly concerned citizens networks?

    Let's play a game of intercity snap every deep way we are able.
    Mail me at if you want a particular city and question to be featured

    I have chosen to start with New York for 3 reasons:

    1 Although many cities have suffered terrifyingly from this war-prone start to the (grown up?) 21st C, if sustainable multicultural answers are to be found for mega-cities then London & New York will be seen as the earliest global test markets

    2 In 1996 (the first time I hosted a year long internet debate) big corporate innovation directors told me that through an extensive benchmarking inquiry they had discovered network learning's deepest value multipliers. These would be realised by those whose organsiational systems designed elearning and real communal spaces round children's natural patterns of curiosity. When my father at The Economist and I wrote our 1984 book on the future of networks locally and globally, we believed the same reasoning both because my father had red many books on learning and because I had played with developing computer assisted learning back in 1973 as part of the UK's National Development Project in this field.

    3 Because the question I will pose first to New Yorkers on behalf of Club of City is:
    Everyone I have met who loves New York seems to echo a view along the lines : it make hustle & bustle more fun than anywhere else knows how on a big stage. So how do you make hustle & bustle as much fun as it can be instead of the least fun?
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    December 12, 2005

    How about valuing everyone's best for the world identity again? 

    Valuation of Trust-Flow*Transparency*Sustainability
    If all people and open sources are to be wholly valued for their greatest potential to make a difference in connecting our networking world, then our race needs value multiplication auditing and mapmaking in 3 dimensions:
  • Trust-flow audits whether a single organisation is compounding growth for all -productively & demandingly - relating around its best for the world purpose. Hi-trust relationship auditing is also what valuetrue intangibles valuation experts do.
  • Transparency mapmaking developed by uniting citizen networks as deep voice correspondents spotlights boundaries between networks of organisations within a sector or across sectors such as global corporation * national government (note through the 20th C how many African countries were corrupted at the silos). The peoples economics is mathematically different, and grassroots contextualised, from that which makes big power bigger.
  • Sustainability Investment Valuation (eg aSIN guide) integrates whether whole sectors are compounding exponential consequences that will connect with the survival let alone progress of the human species

  • Inspired by The Economist's cataloguing cases of entrepreneurial revolution since 1976, the maths of valuetrue research and network maps of unseen wealth began in earnest in 1989 in opposing brand valuation as the media's great mathematical mistake; valuetrue mapping is deeply contextual; see these playing pieces and read some papers on productive & demanding systems of human relationships; ask me at if you want to experiment with mapping a specific context whose future matters most in the world to you
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    Media Crisis Blogs 

    I have restored our 2 year old blog what will google do next

    and am working on restoring our BBC blog as debate of the world's largest public broadcaster's future exponentials -will humanity value its world service as up-curving or down-curving; how can the people of Britain (who in my lifetime have invested well over 10 billion of our own money) get the people's media back from the stranglehold by short-term politicians whether they be left, right or self-servicing in their short-term commands and national divides

    if media isn't your number 1 sector that's can be turned round to be best for the world, please choose one at Future History's economics of exponentials originally sponsored by The Economist in 1984

    for previous installments in google's meltdown friday, click here for whole of BB December's log
    Chris, did Google–Blogger reinstate the blog after you complained?  
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    Branding the upcurves during the season of goodwill 

    Upcurves (also know as economics future expoentials) are all about compounding goodwill for all

    At EXPONENTIAL VALUATION, we're making a list of upcurves (and downcurves) a thousand deeply purposeful people have told me about during my first 12 years on the net. We are also integrating those economic circles that can help - eg 30 year long cataloguers of entrepreneurial revolution, 21 year long cataloguers of death of distance's actionable consequences for humanity, 18 years of mathematical development aimed at simplifying maps of Unseen Wealth which began for me when I first mistrusted emerging brand valuation algorithms in the late 1980s...

    Here is a partial listing of sector gravities we are cross-examining - if you spot one that you are interested in exploring relentlesly, do get in touch at so we can share links. My purpose is not about owning the spaces where the debates happen but mapping where they are being pioneered and linkingin wherever people's needs are urgent and so most valuable

    Please help us choose sector debates you and communities around you want to inquire about and map connections with other people who share the same urgent exploration for action. A thousand people, each with a deeply chosen gravitaional purpose, whom I have connected to over my first 12 years of internet life are making a start and linkingin around the listing below.

    I will try and bring links over to this blog but iof you see a topic you need to be guided to most urgently, amil me chris macrae at

    Multiplying Value Peoples Want – Where are the upcurves?

    Downcurve Debates

    • Healthcare – increasing costs
    • Children – increased family strain, lost safety of community
    • Professionals- loss of Hippocratic oath, ever more bureaucratic
    • Water – Clean water is getting scarcer
    • Transport – getting slower
    • National Government – Increasingly powering over instead of facilitating what people need next
    • Mass media – dumbing down, loss of social space and transparent debates
    • Food chain – cost of good for you food going up
    • Nations Cultures- love of each other’s diversity going down
    • Pensions (investment in sustainable growth) – going down
    • Adult confidence in making a difference with lifelong learning potentials – seems to be going down
    • Insurance – cost going up, learnings across biggest tragedies seem increasingly blocked
    • Underclass – compounding underclass- their loss of hope in life and mutual risks to all of us in a hi-connected world
    • NGOs/Charity – Global*Local infrastructure further removed from depth of grassroots needs in crisis or sustainability turnround challenges
    • Transparency – ever poorer system * system understanding and openness of inquiry between leaders of separate systems; increased siloisation just when networking value multiplies other way round

      Queries Debates
    • Clean energy?
    • Technology – while power going up , has collaborative or inspirational use ever been as great as getting to moon in 60s?
    • Socially concerned networking hubs by 20-35 year olds?Open source active learning relationships geared round specific issues of greatest human need

      Upcurve Debates
    • India
    • China
    • Specific micro-nations – eg Singapore
    • Microfinance
    • Potential peoples uses of internet
    Good summary of down-curves, Chris—a lot of pressing issues that much of humankind can solve but our institutions choose not to, sadly.  
    Funnily enough last time I had dinner with my dad, who's knowledge of history since 1935 is pretty encyclopaedic because between 1950 and nearly 1990, he inteviewed many of its institutional leaders for The Economist, I asked: so what's an example of a national government that was good at facilitating what its people wanted to evolve as opposed to commanding over people. Easy he said: I know of none except immediately after world war 2 where in defeat Japan and Germany's new govs worked hard for their peoples bets future interests

    From the tsunami on, I have been wondering whether more and more people linked around the world get it. Whatever matters most to the future of the human race, it will be down to we (all peoples) to connect and network it - don't stand waiting for government, and is my dress-sense image looking cute FEMA's. Back in 1984, we predicted that 2005-2010 would be the most critical years for all people to network up from the grassroots, or forever after lose the goodwill wars. That's why pesky things like exponentials need mapping and debating, and ordinary blogger's freedoms NOT to be melted down must be truly valued if google is to exist in 2010  
    Every nation, including the Soviet Union and Red China, had a flurry of positive activity soon after their found­ing. It is fleeting. I have some faith—actually consider­able faith—in the rise of India and its ability to hold its hundreds of cultures together through nation branding, and through not a little under­standing of its histor­ical rich­ness. Its notions of karma, certainly, would have kept us in good stead post-tsunami, but we seem to keep looking to the same methods for disas­ters, where coun­tries pledge millions and deliver only a few cents of each dollar.  
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    A prankster on Wikipedia—how interaction helps both sides 

    Since 2004, I’ve contributed to Mitchell Levy’s series of books on the next year’s business predictions. For 2006, I predicted, ‘As gets , it attracts less knowledgeable people, who begin to render some of the services less useful.’ I don’t think this one made it in to the book, but I was a few weeks early, according to The New York Times today.
       , like any entity, is only as good as the people behind it. And today, a was exposed for a false entry about the Kennedy assassination. The tendencies have been there for a long time, and already I am seeing based on the thinking of an English-speaking majority.
       The is the same. Once upon a time, only smart guys were on it. Now, a lot of people who aren’t smart are on it. But it’s the best chance we currently have at raising everyone’s . Just as history shows that raises the income of both the first-world country and the third-world country involved, intelligence can be thought of in the same way.
       And since this is a blog about , one can now think: a can be communicated, and can educate others, through free expression. We just need to think of it more as an , where the brand can change depending on the audiences’ feedback, rather than an indoctrination, which relies on carpeting the with messages and not hearing anything in the din.
       This isn’t anything new. But consider this aspect: the interaction makes both the brand and the viewer better. Even Wikipedia pranksters, even if it will take a while to get the message out to them all. The brand can grow stronger because it begins to encompass, organically, its viewpoints. It then becomes more connected to the public body, rather than be separate from it—turning all of us into its guardians, not just the organization.
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    December 11, 2005

    Eye on the (long-term) ball 

    Had a good chat to my Dad earlier today about being the world’s number-one maker in 2005, beating . We then ate lunch at a , remarking how we had joined those who were there to socialize—how these days just hung out instead of getting fresh air or reading a book. We had, he felt, spoiled them with products, all while robbing their souls and their chance of some introspection.
       They are interesting remarks, as we don’t get to hang out much in public. His remark about the first matter, of Toyota, is not unlike what the authors of Beyond and I have uttered for ages. It is impossible for the of a large that is so obsessed with share prices to maintain a long-term , and that any movement is inherent­ly tied to . , on the flip side, aren’t going to call for blood if they can understand a long-term vision behind decisions. In Toyota’s case, it’s about being able to spot the next trend—the car—and not being so stuck on trucks and that when consumers change, there’s nothing to catch them.
       It’s the third time in my life­time where I’ve seen caught with its pants down. In 1999, I was already writing about the dangers of gas-guzzling and how the SUV was dead; I was a few years early. But someone must have heard me. Toyota will have a Camry Hybrid shortly, and already has a Kluger (High­lander SUV) Hybrid in its home market, complementing the Prius. hybrids are not far away. has its Insight, Civic and Accord hybrids. And once upon a time, had natural gas–gaso­line hybrids—at least between 1979 and 1995. Like Detroit, the New Zealand government took its eye off the ball.
       These two Japanese companies will do with hybrids what they did with the and in the 1970s. People then exited their Ford LTDs, Buick Electras, and 8·2-litre Cadil­lac Eldor­ados for vehicles which just made more sense. Now they are abandoning Ford Excur­sions and Hummers. All Detroit really has is the Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner hybrids—thanks to Mazda. Just like Chrysler once had its Dodge Colt and General Motors its Buick–Opel.
       But there is no immediate solution. This time, the over­taking is very notice­able—to the point where I don’t think GM will claw back its crown for many years, if ever. It will lose and will need to look at emotive cars—but Toyota is master­ing emotion very well, thank you, with the addition of westerners to its boardroom, some­thing it didn’t do in the 1970s. The board back in Toyota City knows just what will push buttons.
       GM—and for that matter, —can only help itself by looking long-term again, and to begin its companies using more sensible measures. This can range from to . Chris Macrae, the other regular contributor to this blog, has had much to say on the topic, but it took GM to present a big enough case which may wake people up. Winners in America, too, are those that have grown gradually, as Jim Collins found in his Good to Great—not those that have celebrity CEOs that sparkle and fizzle out. Until we change our thinking, or, rather, adapt the thinking that we already know, this quarterly obsession remains dangerous—and ruinous.
       What of the mall kids? They might not know just how good we had it once, because no one tells them. They think hanging around in malls and spending money they don’t have is the norm. It is, once again, an obses­sion with the now, and . Someone will some day make a lot of money with self-help books, if we let them.
       If we don’t change our thinking for the sake of , we should at least change our thinking for the sake of setting an example for tomorrow’s generation. Hard work, and not demanding a star­ring role when you walk in to the audition, will get you to the top. Toyota knows it, as does its shareholders.
    PS.: Check out Honda’s 2006 Civic at—I think Ford US (with its Mk I Focus), General Motors (with the Chevrolet Cobalt) and Chrysler (Neon) are dead alongside this entrant.  
    Its not often CBS 60 minutes bites the hand that feeds but last night its final slot parodied all the wonderful USA car brand names, explained how the score was (forget exact number) 18 Japan to 2 US in top 20 consumer best buys and 20 US to 0 rest of the world in worst buys. He asked GM and Ford to get back to a bit of reality making; the previous ad spots had the latest MR Ford drooling over how great innovation has always been at Ford. Its a mad mad mad world at the top these days...I wonder if they realise how much they're only talking to themselves  
    Further, too, people like Mr Ford have a ready press willing to drool over their announcements. This highlights the media’s problem: covering stories without any reference to the rest of the real world. Celebrity worship happens the same way as the question of ‘Why is this person more significant than Nelson Mandela and why should I care?’ is ignored.  
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    December 10, 2005

    Warping out of 2005 

    Chris warping out of 2005 here:

    As one of those early Xmas presents I didnt really need, Google of 9 Dec apparently wiped my previous blogs connecting networks that I have discovered in the last 15 years concerned with mapping the world networks could produce and demand with humanity if all compounds round trajectories:
  • valued for most trust aropund productive and demanding sustems of purpose

  • with transparency across , above and within each system's value exchange

  • with sustainability's economics of exponentials undertood through open governance of the peoples world, which is the opposite of maths that can be used to increase volatlity bubbling up and down, multiplying digital divides, and profiteering from the weakest including economics of externalities and investing in dictators and then warring aginast them

  • I'll recap the future history charter of most practical understandings needed for the peoples branding of globalisation here, and in posts lower down start reconstructing new top pages for ressurecting our timeless blog family.It will take me some time to map all the links back to the brave people who seem to me to be exploring hi-trust communities and sustainbility investments. If you have previously shared in any of these hi-trust citizens encounters, please mail me so our weblogs and I restore the area of the maps you are most passionate about as fast as I am able.

    1984 prediction (link):
    Globalisation can only spin on ever higher trust trajectories of a UnitedPeoples or an ever more terifying Orwellian future, and smaller footprints. Here is more on The Economist's languages (1970s-10980s) of Entrepreneurial Revolution and DoD (Death of Distance)

    1973 link -now learning about how to email to 12th grade goal of finding your own best mentors through life and helping others likewise

    link to 1995 start of the genres of living * learning the brand: chartering communications so that everyone who participates most proudly and trustwprthily in a brand architecture gains from the communal identity through time here. This includes chapers of Brand Chartering Handbook - first edition print copies available on request for interdisciplinary team use from me at

    Some quick travel paths:DoD * Global Uni*Perth (temporary representaive of 100 hubs and city clubs)A*B*C*D*E
    Chris Macrae,
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    Did Google melt us down? 

    You will find most of the blogspot links to co-edited blogs I have made in recent time no longer exist since about 24 hour ago. Let's hope its a bug. Ironically these include case studies on the 3 brands that compounded or wer compounding 100 times value to shareholders because they compounded 1000 times to societies - one of which was a blog on what will google do!

    I guess if anyone has ideas on how to restore my wee bit of co-creation world they will contact me at

    Here's the general description of what seems to have gone missing- Mountain View we have a problem!

    It seems that yesterday google wiped about a year's work in the family of 100 blogs Clubofcity, clubofcountry, clubofvillage -many that had scaled the top of the 20 million search Collaboration Knowledge City that I had been co-editing where local people raised their biggest questions and we try to match links around the world where communities were debating practice projects. Even our bio blogs on trustmicrofinance valuegandhi, trustdrucker
    A bit more of the story has been reconstructed at and in this blog some emergency reconstruction texts are here.

    If anyone has suggestions on what I should do my personal email is
    Chris, this post may shed some light on things. It seems some of these blogging companies are deleting legitimate blogs unilaterally.  
    It sheds some rays in confirming that for the first time in my knowledge -since this is abuse of freedom of web speech - google is shredding its do no evil promise

    However, what happened to me was not the unilateral ending of individual blogs but all my blogs (except those someone else had started -in other words had it been the case that I had set up the Beyond Branding blog it would now have been wiped)

    Oddly my blogs do not link spam to other websites as per the excuse given in the clues referred to. They were heavily linked to other blogspots, and my main family of blogs had even been commended (in a minor way) by the charitable arm of google. So....?  
    If Richard at The English Guy could have his blogs reinstated, I suggest contacting Google and going through a similar process. I think Blogger must operate on a “squeakiest wheel gets the oil” premise, given what I know of these deletions.
       Also, Richard did not link-spam—he merely had a lot of outward links. I sense that Google is finding these and making a judgement based on the quantity, not the quality, of links, without human intervention.  
    hmm- my experience is that google has its own conversational rhythms

    I did immediately notify google using the reference number where they had previously praised my blogs and those of our co-editors around the world for the wee bit bit of humanitarian progress they were making

    So far I have the computer telling me it cannot reply to all mail but if its humans will, they will in their own good time. It may soon be time to throw google out of the premier league of sustaianability investment if they are becoming just another organisation full of silos

    Incidentally, if you are able to alter this blog's settings, could you go to the format and permit last 20 postings instead of 5; I have a feeling December is going to be a busy month for beyond correspondence  
    The problem with 20 posts is the depth of the page, which would deter visitors, sadly, based on my experience.  
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    Left or right? 

    What is the deal with in ‘Viva’ in The New Zealand Herald? We request right-hand pages and keep getting left-hand ones. The ad rep told my number-two that the odds of getting a left-hander when a right-handed ad was requested were about 1 in 10. Our ad buys with the Irish this quarter show the odds are 3 in 3.
       To understand this, we need to re-examine the fear of the toward independent publications, and the , oft-visited in this . How they keep confirming the simple fact that the mainstream are losing touch with everyday , a pattern which exists elsewhere in the western world.
       They will stay afloat for now because of their claimed circulation, but will their attitude hurt their so much that will find it disadvantageous to be aligned with them? I’m beginning to think that that day is nearer than we think.
    The rep maintains the 1 in 10 figure in her response to me today, and assumes others had paid a loading to be on the right-hand side. I still have some doubts, and have asked if her ratio is for just those who have paid a loading.  
    No reply to the question as of today.  
    Still no response, though she has proposed to my director of advertising that we pay more. I am the one who authorizes this, so the sooner I get a reply …  
    Finally, a response. The 1 in 10 figure is her ‘opinion’ based on all advertising. What do readers think? Yea or nay? I need way more convincing from our Irish friends, methinks.  
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    December 09, 2005

    Folks don’t trust big business any more 

    We said it when we started the Medinge Group. We said it when we wrote Beyond Branding. Now The New York Times is reporting it: needs to be responsible, because more than ever, people don’t it. (Thanks to fellow Medingeite Denzil Meyers at Widgetwonder for the link.)
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    I wouldn’t go to this law firm 

    Simpson Grierson advertisementIn the same edition of Idealog (see earlier blog post from today), there is a full-page for Simpson Grierson, saying that it’s the best law firm in the country. The headline, which occupies nearly three-quarters of the page, reads (sic): Which Lawyer’s Number One. No question mark.
       I have to think: would anyone go to a law firm that proclaims it’s the best yet does not understand English ? A sure way to waste a few grands’ worth of an .
       At law school we called the place Simply Gruesome.
    Postscript: if you click on the Simpson Grierson link above, you’ll be taken to a web site where the logo doesn’t match the one in the ad. The symbol is the same, but the typeface and the positioning of the words Simpson Grierson are different. Someone flunked the paper on integrated marketing communications.  
    Post-postscript: because of the one error, I am getting more and more bugged by this. The copy says Simpson Grierson has many lawyers. Then, surely, the headline should read Which Lawyers Are Number One? since it is answered Simpson Grierson. And, I assume, it was once Messrs Simpson and Grierson, so that’s two already.
       In the copy, it says one of their lawyers won some ‘Dealmaker of the Year’ award, so if the big headline is correct (save for the missing question mark), then it should be his name that appears in reply.
       I hope the law firm can present a persuasive argument to these points, because if anyone ever hired them, they would expect that, at the least. But if a simple one-page ad can’t be correct within itself, then what chance does one of its legal arguments have?  
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    Business Week closes Asian and European print editions 

    Bruce Nussbaum highlighted today that has closed its Asian and European in favour of providing those markets with . It made more sense, given the reading behaviours, for there to be a single global print edition (from the US).
       As many of you know, I follow a similar view—Lucire will have a global print edition, localized through advertising and some other sections. There are linguistic differences, too, but the ultimate aim is to do the same. That way, one session will serve the planet, rather than have teams of designers duplicating work. Right now, our three editions differ in some details because of where they are on their , but they will come closer.
        is the first big player to move into this realm as the world gets closer, at least on certain aspects. Readers can then feel like they are part of a , not a regional one. The idea of a drives more effectively in the twenty-first century, for the simple reason that most of us (especially online) no longer think of being divided by borders. is catching up with reality.
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    The magazine that could change a nation 

    A few years ago, Unlimited was born—a strong business that cham­pioned high standards and presentation. The editorial director behind that title, Vincent Heeringa, is one of three founders of a new magazine, Idealog, which appeared on news­stands earlier this month in .
       You may have seen me attack some of the problems with local , but Idealog seems to be a positive sign—a silver lining among all those clouds that try to drown local success.
       For starters, it is the strongest début issue of any magazine I have ever seen, anywhere. Content- and presen­tation-wise, Idealog trumps all those titles before it. And it taps in to something about New Zealand individ­uals that the media miss: a desire to be creative and to advance. Its tagline is ‘The voice of the ’. Quite fitting.
       Am I being facetious when I say this magazine can change the country? No. For New Zealand has a will to change, just that it keeps getting disrupted by its institutions.
       Creative director of the new magazine is David MacGregor, whom may remember as the man behind the leading men’s web site eMale—which, in its day, out-GQed GQ online. When I heard of his involvement, I knew this would be a winner—as his would complement Vincent’s editorial decisions perfectly. Inside, it’s one of the most vibrant magazines, coupled with balance and restraint. There are just enough to make things interesting, and just enough meat for readers to sink their teeth in to.
       Idealog has the opportunity to overturn New Zealand’s as it tries to marry online and print, and create events at which the magazine’s mantra can be taken further. That can begin affecting the nation’s .
       I have always argued that New Zealand is not about sheep and bungy jumping, but destina­tion marketing—such as the cynic’s favourite punching bag, the ‘100 per cent pure New Zealand’ campaign—keeps reinforcing it. The reality is that New Zealand is about , independence and isolation, and the good things that stem from it. Internally, nothing commun­icates this beyond some individual endeavours. Externally, nothing commun­icates this—unless some more of these creative events drag people in, and Idealog expands. It’s a magazine as fresh as Fast Company was in its heyday—and, not unlike what I am doing, has the potential to go offshore.
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    These are the gravities -and their future exponentials for humanity - which we are most concerned to map transparently for all who want to network through trust, time and best for world purposes

    Community or transparent media entrepreneurs: For 21 years our friends have debating 2005-2010 as the most revolutionary time when 6 billion beings systemise whether being networked globally and locally will work for better or for worse. We're interested in hearing of anyone's number for better concern so we can map any hi-trust project or cafe or space links to that gravitational challenge around them and vice versa they can practically co-mentor others.

    Global Innovation & Conflict Mapping Entrepreneurs: We see 2005-2010 as the summit of changing economics - this tracks back to all my father's future history surveys at The Economist including which nations are on the up from 1962 Japan onwards, to which entrepreneurial revolutions do all peoples need to celebrate from 1976, to what does death of distance's time from 1984-2024 look like

    DoD Entrepreneurs: How do we open source both a Global University of Poverty and from age 8 up a whole view of world systems way of connecting - how do we learn enough about water so every community has a clean right to it or power or peace or innovating by giving everyone conversation space to move through gravitational conflicts

    Society or Social Entrepreneurs: How we love each others' places, how do we free public media to discuss long term scoops for humanity rather than daily sounbites of bad news, how we sustain people's longest learning curves including reuniting all main religions in their number 1 do no evil rule of relationship reciprocity

    Sustainability Entrepreneurs: How do we (1 2 3 4 5 6) tell enough stories over the next 5 years so that the world's 1000 largest organisations or networks listen. Short-term shareholder needs are not your main investor nor your main purpose: societies including pensioners to be and families are, customers who believed you were innovating for humanity are, employees who wanted to focus a lifelong experience curve on making a difference are. In the knowledge worker age of Peter Drucker and Preneurial revolutionary ages of my father, the number 1 investment being made is the peoples' lifetimes not capital into lifeless machines. What do over the next 5 years will spin systemically into all the worst or all the best stories science fiction has ever rehearsed with us.

    All we ask is you and all your communities know which choice you are making because systems compound consequences that our valuation maps of the future show become harder and harder to turn round if even one globally vicious mistake at the top waves all round the world. We need everyone linking into such debates as HabitatJam; and then connecting through interactive media like google and world's largest public broadcaster like the BBC or India's DD

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    December 08, 2005

    Cooper v. Cooper 

    I was away from the office for most of the v. matter that has occupied the since late last week. In essence, it’s a regular matter, one which I will be serving on as a witness (no surprise: track record of serving, author, ). Therefore, I can’t comment on the guts of the case, but I am surprised at how have seized on this matter nationally.
       It’s good for Tamsin Cooper, the small brand from small-town New Zealand, which tried to register her name as a trademark. She’s getting a lot of exposure. Trelise Cooper, a large from large-town New Zealand, is saying that it’s too close to her name.
       But the way media have handled it is interesting. I know both Ms Tamsin Cooper and Mrs Trelise Cooper. Mrs Cooper and I appeared in in the same year. I’ve actually known them both for the same amount of time.
       It shows there is a fascination with the fashion business, thanks to the way it has been built up. The mystique of fashion makes an industry perceived as being a high-stakes game, which has the potential to do good. More often than not, it doesn’t do good. But that —or the —is what makes many tick. It’s why we used to watch .
       What should concern us today as branding people is how to balance the need for good old-fashioned and with glamour. Fashion, ultimately, is the provision of . Nothing more than that. But it reaches further, because we wear fashion for a sense of self-assurance, and it becomes more personal. Hence, so many mundane products, such as , get into the same game.
       The lesson here for us is to respect the trend toward transparency in today’s business, but recognize that the public imagination can be captured if the product or the category is or personal. It validates the need for personal when our products are potentially duller.
       But just as glamour can boost us, it can hurt us. Both women had to comment on Morning Report, the New Zealand programme. The flip side to all this is the cattiness that this business is known for. I saw an article in The Southland Times that compared two coats designed by the two Coopers—when the case has nothing to do with coat design or . An “expert” engaged in hypocrisy by suggesting Ms Cooper call her brand simply ‘Tamsin’, as it was ‘strong’, when she herself used her full name to sell her own clothing range.
       There are elements in the New Zealand media that are loving this story, so it’s being milked. But just like a , we are watching, reading and listening to it—because it gives a sense of drama that draws us in.
       And that’s the other angle to a good brand. A good . So many times on branding jobs we ask our clients for an internal “legend” that could be shared. Now, both companies have one, and the New Zealand public is judging them by their drama.
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    101 clues on the crisis of globalization economics 

    101 Clues on the Crisis Of Globalization Economics -to be resolved so we can all enjoy Transparently Mapping The Peoples Economics through Century 21
    -Asserted as a Commons Document. If you feel you used a clue the way we were trying to connect it, we'd love to be linked if you have the time, but make your first priority actively using or helping people to explore any valuetrue clue.
    By Chris Macrae and co-editors to follow as clues get deeper or more diversely inclusive

    1 My father Norman Macrae and Peter Drucker crossed paths in Moscow 1935. One was then a young man, another a teenager destined to be sent to war before going to university. As anyone who has read about Russia or Germany at that time will understand: Norman & Peter tacitly agreed to spend their lives writing how to question big power's view of economics and management and the way that investment sustainability (or not) systemises future histories connecting all beings.

    2 Some of their constructs can be found by truly searching their original texts on phrases like these.
    entrepreneur revolution paradigm shift knowledge worker co-worker privatization social ecologist service economy post-industrial networking telecommuting free market intrapreneur future exponentials history systemic learning listening innovation conflict love Hippocratic oath

    But be warned, wherever a phrase becomes valuable for all people to openly commune around there will be some theorists that use numbers to separate out an opposite direction ...more which their biggest sponsor wants , and perhaps more practitioners who love the original image of the phrase without originally caring or systemically knowing what practices they would need to govern and value through time to live and learn to be the true McCoy.

    3 I am only a mathematician. I try to explore truth either through the maths of pattern recognition or the co-creativity of listening to a person’s deepest passion and testimony. My brain is certainly not among those that would have had a look in as a top 20 reporter valuing 20th Century leadership, the world's futures and histories, its greatest innovators and most deep facilitators of humanity (Gandhi, Mother Theresa, the who's who of greatest value to commune with or be socially networked to). However, I can confirm that Peter and Norman are worth trusting when they get you to understand that neither economics nor management can ever make precisely correct decisions. What is correct differs by context -who's purpose are you systemising? time span (the last 90 days or the most valuable future this sector could have in uniquely serving humanity's greatest relevant needs), place in the world or as executed to benefit a legally extreme state like Delaware as prime sponsor of economics of externalities which can compound over time with as vicious consequences Bhopal's ... more

    or whatever was the worst untrue and unfair consequences of Enron and Andersen becoming top 50 economies all over the world until their mountains and bubbles of dis-trust were waved away as much less than worthless in all good peoples eyes.

    4 Precisely correct for who - yourself? your inner cronies, one mythical group (shareholder- do your SVA maths mean speculators and exclude pensioners to be) or everyone who invests in organisations through time as sustaining purposes' most productive and demanding systems: societies, families, customers, employees who make a difference with lifelong learning curves, the country in choosing to prioritise your sector not just with direct investments or tax breaks but in the way it changes education, the culture around communities that may in one place prize sustaining some history and another none, even whether owning everything is good which it certainly isn’t is a country where 1% of the land has oil or hugely valuable natural resources and the other 99% is so sandy that nomads are the only ones who could survive.

    5 If you desire it, mathematics can enable economics and management to govern whether a system is openly healthy enough to compound future exponentials that are going up or ill enough to bubble down; or transparently goodwilled enough to sustain (win-win-win) for everyone they integrate over time or badwilled to compound towards a meltdown which nobody other than speculators can gain from.

    6 We can also simply map whole systems and networks as systems*systems so that almost all the words most valued by Norman and Peter become components of:
  • Trust-flow if we map organisations as: productive and demanding relationships spinning round purpose

  • Transparency as how critical flows work across boundaries of organisations * organisations as well as molecules within or above the level of organisation you map governance of. Think of other analogies. If you are a start-up - trust me the transparency of the way the first 7 partnering decisions are all made (to become 7-win or not to be so - is vital in terms of the most human future than any humanly inspired founding group could achieve.

  • Sustainability - how future exponentials are compounding up or down and multiplying each other wherever they interface organically

  • 7 Right now -having had 21 years to storytell (see our 1984 book co-authored by computer-man, economist and interviewer of leaders, & science fiction scriptwriter), debate and timeline the coming war between big money at the top of the world and all the rest of us 6 billion beings - I am not interested in hi-falutin maths though I spent a post-graduate year in Cambridge studying that and I love my father's biographic inquiry of von Neumann (head mathematician of collaboration -would he have wondered why computing collaboration never got facilitated more energetically than in the moon-race?), and Einstein's (all mathematician’s head truth-tester of relationships) support of grassroots economists like Gandhi.

    8 What we need to explore is maps -do we agree how these co-work for everyone's communal interests? We can all use a road-map to get around a city because it is mathematically simple and true to connect through and to evolve round over time. In the service economy, let alone knowledge workers networking or globalisation's networking economies we need relationship maps if our time and trust and passions to connect and learning curves are to action transparently greater wealth for all instead of the opposite. This is why service economics and beyond is a post-industrial revolution away from booking in investments in machines never people, separability at all costs and no connectivity in our measures, make a perfect historical assessment not one that enables anyone to see the future. If that's all you want use addition, the operand of separation as bottom line tangible accounting shows. If however you want to move forwards rather than backwards through the co-creative interactivity of networks then let's use maps as the simplest way to include value multiplication.

    9 Not being an economist nor a traditional management guru, I invite anyone who becomes interested in the values stated and the attempt to edit this until it gets simpler but more deeply linked to join in. It may seem like a big subject. My father and I give us 5 years to finish it for reasons stated in 1984 in our chapter on changing economics for the peoples world to compound better and better through networking's multiplication of systems rather than worse and worse. I am heartened by reading a short history of the world which a passionate German ( A short History of the World- origin EH Gombrich succeeded in writing up in 1935 in 6 weeks, so that children could enjoy the story of humanity so far as much as adults. I do hope that unlike 100 other blogs of ours that google has lost, enough people will co-edit this one for it to succeed in having some timeless value.
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    Branding 21st C Branding 

    In the 1990s, one or more of the global accountants are known to have serially done digraceful things, shreeding their equivalent of the hippocratic oath. Of all the disgraceful things, the one that gets me as someone who has tried to serve the goodwill of branding all my career, is the way they destored marketing's vision with a PR camapign marketing at bthe crossroads. This was the worst kind of hatchet job coming up with ytheir own definition of what brand does (looking backwars and separating people being their definition) and then say ing by their meausre mareketers were doing a lousy job and should not meet in teh same room as CEOs)

    Someone, we will call world class branders of chief brand officers or beyond branders has to come up with dreams of how the future's expoentials will compound and talk these until the company is cofident that one of tehse concepts is its biggest reality

    let me move to a case; I hope you will see the connection; I guess people will ask if they don't see it

    A big question (there are people on this list who I know could take this a practice level higher than this draft indicates; if you think you may be one, email be before Xmas because I am challenging a few sub-communities to see how their biggest ideas shape up):

    Having seen and What jams application areas would like to see compounding in the next 5 years

    To recast Moores’s Law I would like to see a jam on something where we could double the value of collaboration every 2 years for many years to come. The big question: is there any value dynamic you believe could be on that trajectory. I belie there are several, though they would need some passionately open investigative journalism to verify.

    My guess where I feel I would look least foolish to start it (not necessarily a good criterion) is microfinance women. How could we lose with having a jam among women in areas where microfinance over the last decade clearly has made deep communal changes.

    Note however, its not the electronic part of the jam but the whole world of microfinancing women getting together to get some sort of all time hall of fame nuances ion breakthrough that were achieved. Get some public sector broadcaster to make great stories out of these; so that in parallel to the jam , there’s a microfinance olympics. Once the world has seen what collaboration can double humanity’s valuation of every 2 years, perhaps the make poverty history movement will become more popular than the Olympics until we have worked out the 100 sub-competitions each of which is on its Moores curve of collaboration.

    Regarding the jam of microfinance women, I would make the organising committee: 90% women; ones with clear track records of social entrepreneurial networks; with passions that flow across a rich an poor country; who have been involved in grassroots hubs or the journalistic transparency side of the world challenge competitions for ideas . (As a scot, I would get someone to phone up Tony Blair and suggest he and the BBC have a great role to play in this if they forgive each other and get on with their best capabilities for world service. A good end to 2005 which he had once wanted to be Africa’s humanity’s most exciting year yet)

    (Look I am cheating, I have been telling stories that we can do this sort of thing for 21 years now. Trouble is I know we can do it (collaborate exponentially) but I need 100 of you to know we can do it. And to put a collaborative hat on before a competitive one. Because it’s the collaboration exponentials we haven’t yet mapped or played with the way Johny von Neuman and other mathematicians expected us. It’s always easier for an accountant to deny a future exponential’s upturn by counting up the past and so destroy the purpose that could have united (in this case uniting the worldwide may be at stake if our 1984 scenario is correct )

    chris macrae,
    Thank you for this vision, indeed it will take such a jam to eradicate poverty in our lifetimes. We promote the many successful investment funds specializing in microfinance at so micro-banks can learn to fish in far deeper waters than just small fry public funding. Thank you, David Satterthwiate,  
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    December 05, 2005

    Irking the Highbrow -part 1 in an Xmas Advent series 

    With special thanks to the good folks of Global University
    A David Letterman Style Top 10 of Why Irking The Highbrow (ITH) is the Do Now of Branding the 21st Century's Humanity & Love of Life

    10 As any professional marketer knows Irking the Highbrow is part of the turf of turning news headlines into a fashionable identity. Example if C-C (Coca-Cola's) ITH can make sweet fizzy water world famous by relaunching Santa's 1930s wardrobe in corporate red & white, then BB networkers can surely ITH Branding whether humanity survives this centtury joyously

    9 In 1984, entrepreneurial revolutionaries and economists' 1 2 most accurately timelined future history story of 6 billion networked beings lives to 2024 predicted 2005-2010 would be the critical time to "Irk The Highbrow" -simultaneously Irk national Governments, Irk NGOs, Irk Charities, Irk media, Irk academic,s Irk profesionals who separate those hard separatist (inadvertently apartheid making) disciplines starting with accountants, economists, lawyers, and identity merchants but let our networked communications evolve global village forums that connect globalisation to be for everyone's progress not a digitally dividing world of ever more locally extreme richness and poverty

    8 Win-win-winning for everyone's chnace to intercoonect productively doesn't make rich societies poorer except those very corrupt few that gained from speculation, war's manipulation of the social fabrics of life of democracy and kings, monopolising how the rules were written for their own vested interests -Orwell's Social controllers of value-slaving chains. If that's what 20th Century PR or strategic leadership compounded, then go beyond 20th C PR now.

    7 Go beyond machine-age bossy hierarchy - that's not how almost all future value of service or knowledge worker economies compounds let alone how the grassroots of societies of the world come to love each other instead of terrorising each other

    6 Make a list of 10 huge hierarchy failures of 2000-2005 (the Katrinas or Tsunamis or Quakes). Don't blame anyone's past leadership errors apart from the system that valued too big hierarchy too much just when distributed grassroots up networking waves were the defining potential of 21st C life. Have an armistice against 2005 boosy leadership Xmas 2005; from then on turn new laws onto people who use hierachy to pretend business casing of sustainability of human life is too complex; who hide behind sector externalities and Delaware Law's Myopic analysts.

    Part 2 of this top 10 listing to come. But first an exercise for those who want to be in the first wave of mapmaking humanity - if you have one cause for humanity that you do care about worldiwsde beyond the locality your nation is, why not email me at Over the weekend the world's greatest serach resource was developed fopr anyone who wants to make poverty history for the billion p0orest: in search of water (and dear Tom systemically transparent excellence of a second loop sort most global consultants have mathematically failed) to reinvent economics so that all compounding exponentials are transparent as far as they spin any life-critical resource, and how citizens everywhere can have a great carninal for humanity by Irking the Highbow. The web starts at but because you need to have been part of co-creating it over 72 hours to know how best to search it on day 2 of its public release, we at Club of City * Village * Country will help try and do that if you will send me a cause we can translate into search catchphrase.
    Habitatjam has just posted 70 actionable ideas to wave across the world's poorest places  
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    December 01, 2005

    Entrepreneurial Revolution Invitation to New Authors of Brand Books 

    We're starting an experiment in India, which I would be delighted to replicate in any country that an author is bring out a new book on brand.

    The idea is that valuation is at a crossroads. So if the book has covered everything else that a brand needs to connect through, why not develop a blog that refers to bits of the book the national author wants to launch with , and connect this with the revolution in valuation

    The India blog is

    and here's an extract on the revolutionary twist to brand valuation which can be very newsworthy!
    We are at a crossroads in the valuation of purposeful brand relationships, trust-flow and intangibles of knowledge work, transparency and sustainability. Unseen Wealth researchers (2000, Washington DC) have found that up to 90% of future value is compounding up or down in ways that are neither measured or governed by.

    In this weblog, Indian and international brand experts will discuss cases of interest globally and from an Indian Perspective. The new valuation is all about how conflict-free (upward future exponential) or conflicted (downward future) is your total investment in the brand system. Component conflicts to debate any brand's future around include:
    -are there conflicts in serving the brand's essence/promises to different stakeholders and investing in people's learning of core competences? if so unique purpose will be eroded, and passion/pride in the brand will be deflated
    -are any of your network partners conflicted in ways that may erode transparency of you sector or local impacts on society? (Some brands have lost all their bvalue becasue of what a networked parner did.)
    -mapping back future environmental and other changes- is your brand's sustainability win-winning with what societies want to sustain or in conflict?- does this vary locally and globally?

    chris macrae,
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