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October 31, 2005 Introduction to a long series of posts
Last week's inaugural in Washington DC for 21st C Organisational Democracy was profoundly moving. I will try and collect some postcards from people who were there. Since my family's learning curve for 80 years now involves global media, economics and the network maps and maths of systems of productive and demanding relationships compounding round true or false purpose, I have decided to start 2 new blogs
In DC, I met one of my world heroines of systemic conflict resolution -Myrna Lewis whose Deep Democracy construct emerged out of trying to evolve S Africa- at levels ranging from intervening in what was once its most dictatorial corporation to helping children in communities where most have been orphaned by HIV. DD is the number 1 idea I recall from debating with Naomi Klein how could marketers transform global branding if they loved people enough to do so. So Two hundred of us in DC also invented some amazing views on the future of marketing, and as my time permits these will be spread up and down the various networks of World Class Branding (est 1990) including Beyond-Branding and Medinge & Chief Brand Officers Association I learnt from the number 1 discipline attracting academic research in celebrating diversity and hard work in the Bahamas, coordinated by a most generous being called Roosevelt, that if we could replace global ad agencies with carnival agencies, then the chance for everyone to participate in celebrating great communal meaning and innovating hi-trust corporate purpose would become global*local again. Fortunately, I mix with a circle concerned with sustaining the greatest entrepreneurial investment of the next decade. None of them want advertising launches. All want events that people can franchise into local celebrations. Watch this space for true carnivalisation of community-up values worldwide. We (90% American though our participants were including 3 officers form the US Navy, editor of fast company, director of Canadian school of globalisation documentaries, CEO of a General Electric plant, former corporate university inaugurator of SW Airlines, student networks that unite 100 countries in the original European Union purpose in ways that Brussels long since forgot to sprout...) learnt that unfortunately for the USA , among developed countries, it has the most to learn about how deep cultures need to collide in deep democracy if they are to innovate higher order understanding that harmonies the greatest perspective that every culture can bring/network rather than the most miserable or fearsome. Knowledge work goes nowhere unless people are self-confident, and that needs transparent maps that truly govern the 90% of Unseen Wealth of our future, currently lost by 20th C economics, accounting and any other apartheid profession of separate measurement instead of systemically sustaining ones. If or when 50 people have contacted me at wcbn007@easynet.co.uk to register for a deep democracy event to change global marketing, I will get our 2 great hosts of valuing democracy Organisational*Deep to design the 3-day event. The charge depends on how conflicting with our purpose you wish to be. So if you are head of a global ad agency on one of the biggest 1000 brands, expect the 3-day ticket to cost 10000 dollars USA or whatever is the most you pay for 3-day conference; if you are the person is doing most to carnivalise the end of HIV spreading expect a free pass. Also please say which of these 4 cities you would be prepared to come to - Delhi, Melbourne, London, DC. In each city I know enough people to frame a slightly different carnival. In small groups we collaborate in doing this regularly, so we are reasonably well rehearsed, we know the world's most systemically open conflict resolution methods, we have researched what people and societies want global brands to unite for 3 decades, we know the economics of a networked world can be transparently map to win-win-win instead of going below zero-sum scarcity. So don't delay if you want to explore and then champion transparent progress for humanity. Know that since 1984, we have predicted that the typology of globalisation that is spinning in 2010 is the typology the rest of the 21st C will live with. Come take the fear out of such a huge innovation opportunity, come spread love of greatest connecting purpose beyond just numbers mathematically designed to separate us all and mimic machines lifeless dynamics. This is not a future I want my 9 year old daughter chained to - how about you and yours? permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 30, 2005 New Zealand’s next potential innovation, if Helen Clark has the vision to say yes
Since I have done a lot of moaning about New Zealand’s nation brand, I decided that I needed to address it. Hence, this email to the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, on October 19. There has been no reply other than an acknowledgement from her office.
Dear Prime Minister:permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Numerologist predicted New Delhi attacks—and what it means
Chris Macrae’s earlier posts here about India and Pakistan, and the need to help nations, rather than examine their borders, struck a chord this weekend with the terrorist attacks in New Delhi. To me, these illustrate how little progress we’ve made as a planet—and the New Delhi attacks were predicted by a numerologist two days after July 7.
I am usually sceptical of people who claim to have made predictions after the fact, but there it is on Johnnie Moore’s blog comments: a numerologist, Romesh Narayan Chaudhary, stating New Delhi would be next. Might be a fluke; might not be. However, the point remains very clear: we should condemn these attacks just as loudly as the ones on New York and London (current news shows that they aren’t, although a lot of people have been affected, which illustrates a first-world bias). And it is up to the brands that use the subcontinent as a manufacturing or service base to help people there right now. The more we show that the world can unite to help our fellow beings, the more futile terrorism becomes. Right now, we are showing the same old divisions. In the western world, media are still communicating that India is “far away”—and we are divided by borders and distance when the reality (to wit, outsourcing) shows otherwise. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Johnnie Moore reminds me that Sharm-el-Sheikh and Bali were next, not New Delhi. Mind you, I still feel Romesh was on to something.
Not much about the New Delhi bombings on New Zealand television now, and we are supposedly in the eastern hemisphere. How quickly it has become irrelevant, while London remained major news for days.
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October 29, 2005 Just like when Top Gear is repeated on telly![]() I notice Top Gear NZ has its latest cover—a repeat of the UK’s September 2005 one. I realize that this is commonplace amongst licensed magazines: Elle, for example, would always have covers resurface around the world. It’s simple in that case: the weekly French edition has more than enough to share with the monthlies everywhere else. And we do it with Lucire and its overseas’ editions. It’s got me wondering about magazine brands and where their limits really lie. In the cases of Elle and Lucire, these respective editions go (usually) into places with different languages, and unless one is incredibly well travelled, the chances of seeing the same cover are minimal. In Top Gear’s case, the covers have both been seen in New Zealand. I got a feeling of déjà vu, which is natural, and I’m sure others would, too. Can Jones Publishing, the New Zealand licensee, get away with it? The presence of two Harper’s Bazaars on the newsstands here with the same cover is a useful comparison. Both the US and the Australian editions feature Demi Moore. Yet the latter is an established licensed edition from a Hearst–Packer joint venture, and has been around for around eight or nine years. It looks grander, larger. It has established itself with distinct editorial that owes very little to the American original. Locally, this Top Gear is the second issue, with nothing established other than the brand. There is no New Zealand equivalent of Jeremy Clarkson; James May, whom I have been reading since his ‘England Made Me’ column many moons ago, has his say alongside the tousled terror in the Kiwi edition. Some stories are repeated from Britain. Given that there is hardly a motoring journo who isn’t a sycophant here (there are exceptions), Top Gear NZ’s strongest asset is its brand, not unique content. Those converted to the brand may have picked up that British edition back in September. I am not sure if they will pay slightly less for an old cover, because we all judge the magazine by it. A two-month-old seen-before cover suggests old news. There’s not a lot a brand can do to cover for the loss of newness in this game. Julian Andrews of Jones knows more about New Zealand consumer publishing than I do, so he must have his reasons as the publisher. I’ve written to ask why—and I am sure I am missing something in the rationale. I’ll follow up when I hear from him. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Who'd have thought in the 30 years we have been tracking entrepreneurial revolution and 21 years Death of Distance, the most revolutionanry networking event would be staged in Washington DC by women aged 25-35 - read on here, and if you need linking it, ask!
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October 28, 2005 Why the world’s largest organisations are devaluing the 21st C and what all people need to change to be sustainable 1 of 3
It's time to review what agents of World Class Branding Network have learnt by asking the main question of my book WCB 15 years ago -what if 21st C organisations are valued as systems of productive and demanding relationships spinning around Unique Organising Purpose (UOP).
When you charter this question as our 1996 Handbook does with methods for living and learning the brand, co-workers go on a voyage of conflict all the way up to the top of the organisation. If the system is spinning viciously, it will be not because most leaders of our largest organsiations are corrupt men but because they have become divorced from true information flows, as the numbers they are looking at will be drowing them in non-equity and untruth. Emotional Intelligence alumni of Daniel Goleman call this CEO's disease. This happens when people fear to pass bad or change news they have experienced from customers or the outside environment of the organisation up through bosses. In other words instead of valuing truly purposeful context, hierarchy pollutes trust-flow. This is a complete misunderstanidng of management's communications duty to steward the health of the whole system through testing (talk Q, walkA) for goodwill openly rather than issuing startegic answers without listening to innovative questions and percolating badwill with ever more costly image-making. Dare you turn eyeballs down to part 2 in our series celebrating Washington DC's Organisational Democracy week hosted by World Class Brands (2005 Most Valued Agency) Worldblu, kick off 26 Oct by cluetrainer David Weinberger? Chris Macrae wcbn007@easynet.co.uk World Class Brands Network permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 27, 2005 Why the world’s largest organisations are devaluing the 21st C and what all people need to change to be sustainable 2 of 3
What is systemically different about 21st C and 20th Valuation?
In the 20th C industrial economy, machines (tangibles) scaled mass production’s valuation. In the 21st C of service economy and global/local learning activated by knowledge workers, people relationships systemise what grows ore decays. 21st C Organisation is about systems of productive and demanding relationships spinning around context/purpose. (If you feel like it, please help us co-edit emerging implications of value exchnage molecular theory : generally for valuing democracy here, specifically for sustaining poorest Third of World here- remember badwill whether waved thru networks by birdflu, hurricanes or terror means we the people are all on the same exponential arc of globalisation let alone Noah's ) While global accountants are in denial about this: They become masters of untruth and unfairness, and as Ackoff explains when professionals stick to a decaying system instead of bridging to the new one, the harder they try to be perfect in the old way the more damage they do. In particular, they divorce leaders at the top of big organisations from having true information to make the riskiest decisions. This applies to all forms of largest organisations on earth from global corporations to national governments. Please suspend left versus right judgement. Instead, why not review whether your national leader's recent train of decison-making has helped or hindered the most risky situations your citizens have found systemised around them. For example in Britain, our Mr Blair is a most brilliant media manipulator, unfortunately this is precisely what we don’t need the more true information needs distributing for all the people to work with. Londoners did not need 7/7 while he was hosting Gleneagles. Britains did not need the BBC muzzled while B&B wargamed. if Mr Blair tries through peeked pride or Murdoch to pollute the BBC's licence (and 50 billion pound investment in world service by the British people) he will need to be impeached. But otherwise we all forgive him, its the system that's gone so terrifyingly wrong not the man's intended people missions. He is as far as we can see a good man gasping for clean air in a polluted badwill system of globalsiation that all peoples including our royals and our religious ones must help him turn round. It is not Tony's fault, all his decisions at the top of power are being spun by the old system instead of the new. This fable is being simultaneously replayed in our connected world through an estimated 90% and rising of the world's 1000 largest organsaitional idnetities. Devaluing the 21st C's integrity as sustainability as you read this. What I am saying does not come as a future shock to people I have networking with for 20 years. Below are 3 snapshots explanations from the last 2 decades on the Why of Going Global. We invite you to debate them. Like reformed corporation plunderer Ray Anderson, I'd prefer not to have spend the rest of my life trying to help people resolve conflicts because our organsiational systems do not value life as much of the time as they do taking money from the world. But there's another issue that up to you. Whether as part of the democratic majority you stick with being valued by machines or elect to enjoy simulataneously transforming to systems that transparently value the trust-flow of people relationships.
What can I do about this (if you are right) I hear you shout. One heck of a lot if we citizens and netizens start exploring the next post collaboratively. For example, bloggers haven't begun to open source their html around the biggest local questions worldwide networeks could be brainstrusting, as well as acting on in time instead of days to late as in pakistan this month, New Orleans last month, London July -how blaired are our visions when democratic leaders are looking backwards instead of looking forwards to what The System is already compounding. Chris Macrae World Class Brands Networks (since 1991) wcbn007@easynet.co.uk permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 26, 2005 Why the world’s largest organisations are devaluing the 21st C and what all people need to change to be sustainable 3 of 3
So if our communal chalenge is to get everyone to communicate around maps of organisations designed as systems of productive and demanding relationships spinning unique purpose
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What can you do? One heck of a lot. If you are a professional, you can debate how your profession can connect with other professions that want organisation to be If you want to popularise debates, you can play with games - chosse a sector from fantasy wealth is it co-creating the 21st C or terminating it? The proof is in the truth testing. The openness which anyone working in the sector from bottom to top answers the hardest questions about compound consequences and interactions. This is a game where valuing transparency of how conflicted we are is the start of the journey to becoming openly conflict free. This is actually the most valuable beyond professional interdisciplianry work globalisation will ever see. Unless that is you decide to be creative with the greatest thing citozens are still free to be co-creative with : cities, play the game of dream cities which invite all 6 billion beings to be inspired with here Next we can re-examine sustainability investment. So, if you are to be a pensioner one day, you can challenge every time someone soundbites we had to do this because of Sharehlder value – do you mean shareholder value or Speculator value? The timespan the numbers are being compouted around tells you whose system and vested interests is governing You can look at the maths of 10-win or 10-lose organsiations and 100-win or 100-lose networks (organsiations*organsiations) and choose a context that matters to you or humanity. The maths asked you to truth test the context until you see which stalkehol;ders and which producers would be emotioannly intelligent to invest their trust in the purpose being one that is spinning growth (not bdecay0 on all sides You can help 1985’s number 1 exploration for 2005-2010 – enabling economics and national policy leaders seeing the value of Third of World for the first time in living memory. Or you tell us an exploration you would like to network around, and we’ll try to connect you with people who have declared to us who are 12 years or elder on the internet that they are committed to help openly guide this. For example, this week in Washington DC is Organisational Democracy week for hundreds of networkers -youthful leaders in the main with more working lifetime ahead of them than behind -every city that I have travelled through in the last 5 years of Unseen Wealth Crisis has thousands of such inspired people just loving it - the idea of organisational democracy has come whether you call yourself a culture creative or a global reconciliation agent or and Intangibles Crisis mapmaker , a freedom fighter for transparency across organsiational boundaries, or aSIN analyst, Sustainability Investment Networking. The end of 20th Spinmakers is nigh, and may that be the most peaceful revolution in history because revolution and survival of 6 billion beings are now the only living game in town. What event can we arrange around your city when? How can different citizen networking groups come and share what they have learnt from wave to wave of such global village meetings? Will we learn to network an economics of abundance in time for all beings to share a bigger footprint of the globe- for if not any biologists can show you simulations of the wars and pestilence that compound when living systems interact around a belief that the footprint, the air we breathe, the water our bodies vaporise is getting scarcer and scarcer. Whomever first said when the system's not bust don't fix it was either : the least caring person in the world a raving lunatic or such a powerful man postioned in a non-transparent era (whether ruling transactionally with the separatism of extreme capitalism or extreme communism because both extremes are destined to value chain ordinary people to the same end) that he knew his life would not be impacted however many hi-trust citizens would be lost. Chris Macrae, World Class Brand Networks wcbn007@easynet.co.uk permalink ![]() ![]() October 25, 2005 Exploring every 20% rule for all markets are worth
Yesterday I visited the HQ of the world's largest netowrk of freedom thinktanks. The discussion turned in my mind through all sorts of 20% rules of marketing and of sustainability.
I hope some marketers and innovation people will see diversley more Chinese whispers through 20% land than my first trip. Do tell us -love you all for sharing the purpose The conventional 20% rule of a market is that 20% always have the buying power of more than 50% of what's produced. In 20th C large organisations, much less than 20% of people making more than 50% of decisions and pay themselves much more than 50% of salaries -it is no longer that unusual for the cost of cutting one top 10 board person to be the same as cutting 1000 workers jobs. We can imagine whoich hisn professional advisers will make the case for Libertarian thinktanks have for long searched openings of democratic dreams that no .gov system that rules the land shouldenjoy more than 20% of workers taxes- after all that already means working more than 50 days a year before you earn anything to spend. After all whatever tax you give .gov you can be sure that less than 20% of the gov will make more than half of the decisions. But there is a conflict with the 20% gov rule that the politicians turn round on the people: they say but you want health or education, so you need to pay more than 20% we the people could say, well first if you only had 20% you would cut spending on power but not people stuff- do we need to spend so much money on armed forces abroad etc? next the people could say, limiting yopur spend to 20% does not mean we will not cooperatie in other communal spends, it just means it wont go through your small group of decision-makers and we the people could also say, by the way now we live in globally connecting local economies, many of our deepest concerns impacting the sustainability of life are not about decisions aided by short-term left versus right, one country versus another, soundbiting but need much more open and iterative developing 1 2 3 4 let's open the space for hunders of global village meetings insetad of close the doors behind one white house or downing street. Chris Macrae wcbn007@easynet.co.uk World Class Brands Networks permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 24, 2005 Terrorists who talk of social responsibility: the CSR trend arrives at Al-Qaeda
Reuter reports that Ayman al-Zawahiri (‘Number Two’) of Al-Qaeda has called on Muslims to donate to the Pakistani earthquake disaster. One has to wonder if Al-Qaeda itself is making any donations. Otherwise it’s another Enron: it makes noises about social responsibility, but it doesn’t do any in its own operations.
As an organization, Al-Qaeda’s vision is terrorism, and they will have to do a branding exercise to see whether calling for humanitarian aid is part of the scope of services that it wishes to offer. Or whether its individual satellite companies and contractors—cells—see things the same way. Sure, I am being a little facetious, especially after a speech I made last year about the terrorists’ virtual organizational structure, but my point (and that of the authors of this book) is that saying you give a darn about social responsibility is insufficient. Is your organization a lip-service one, like Al-Qaeda, or one where CSR is practised in a deep sense, part of the way you live the brand? permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Breaking news from Washington DC Organisational Democracy Week
To celebrate Organisational Democracy Week, DC is teaming up with Democracy Maps which is featuring week-long questions on how organisational democracy does or does not contribute to sustainability investement and the value of purpose-rich intangibles
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Next month, its the intent to team up with Beyond-Branding - so please start to get your globally most innovative questions ready for DemocracyMaps permalink ![]() ![]() October 23, 2005 Brand New Global Cities - 6 billion players wantedClick HERE to play the world's most valuable fantasy game turned into reality by netizens 1 2 One question rules: nominate a 2010 city mission you'd love to see and where in the world to plant it first
What if Philadelphia Open Doors to Clean Energies Freedom & Happiness the world over What if London became the epicentre for world service public broadcasting & learning games...In many ways this out of London project is what the British people have invested 50 billion pounds in over my lifetime. It's the last great jewel in our crown for multiplying commonwealth around the world. Note how true learning games can multiply value in use instead of being consumed up as waste.As most of 4500 survey responses here show, what we in Britain feel we need most help in doing now is : prevent individual presidents (national or of commercial media baronage) from taking it over or polluting its ability to ask any questions other than the increasing meaningless obession on left-think versus right-think. None of the 10 issues that matter to the entrepreneurial and multicultural peoples I love most have anything to do with left or right. And my issues of concern connect iteratively to compound future judgement not short-term electioneering spin nor the opposite government process of casting too much complex regulations in legal concrete.If you think this vision for London is worth connecting to some resources include:join the movement of People for Public Broadcastingjoin the debate on every way to sustain public media macro and micro hereAsk the biggest questions your city wants open replies from the world on at Club of City until journalists for humanity or University of Stars adopt the most urgent ones for humanityRead the blog on how hundreds of marketers are sick of global brands that spend billions a year advertising images and nothing much at all on reality making; help us to ask other professions to confess what their biggest beyond needs to beLearn how to open space or collaboration cafe, as a way of multiplying social networks and then blog or multiply with other ways - keep chatting on what will google doImagine if the BBC * Google multiplied some projects and then DD as the other largest medium with reach and consciousness for diverse publics. Get Richard Branson to start designing some more reality tv games and teaming up with Clinton until we get 30000 open source or community-up initiatives that the people can action locaclly worldwideadd more on futureofbbc ![]() ![]() October 20, 2005 Beyond**2 Branding - Invitation from World Class Brands Network
This is an invitation to the thousand or so experts of beyond-Branding or another tributary of World Class Branding Network est 1991
It has come to our notice that humanity's make or break needs of the next 5 years depend on branding the sustainability of whole sectors rather than just separate corporate responsibilities of product sub-brand architectures. This poses the catch 22 of which corporation in any sector will pay for the hard large scale change work of getting everyone to collaborate in internalising the sector's riskiest externalities until the sector's compound future for humanity is sustaining THE FANTASY WEALTH GAME- peoples vote on World Sustainability Sector League Tables However thousands of experts from other disciplines have started to construct a Beyond squared game, which can be open sourced and re-edited to any style or local wit as long as you wish to collaborate around its model of mapping ahead of time every future conflict with humanity so that the sector becomes a hi-trust one spreading no corruption, no diseases , no polution of nation, and no hatred between peoples. mail me at wcbn007@easynet.co.uk to apply to join Beyond**2 Branding Network or other Beyond**2 pro networks Virtual launch date - today First City launch at Washington DC's Organisation Democracy Week Oct 22-29 permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 19, 2005 Beyond Professions -Part 1
I wonder if The Economist has forgotten one of the simplest editorial rules my father taught there for nearly 40 years: if a society is to sustain a future it needs to learn from everyone’s past. One of the biggest lessons of societies that lost their sustainability is that those which the people had trusted to a professional monopoly turned against their Hippocratic oaths to serve the people. This systemically vicious turning point of corruption of human relations began when they decided to use their publically licensed monopoly to serve themselves and the most powerful in the land.
In 1984 my father and I wrote a future history of going global and local as a networking peoples. We mapped out the 2 opposite endgames which worldwide systemisation of humanity will have webbed by 2024 : the most inspiring time for 6 billion people to be alive or the most wretched. The way professions globalised was at the very centre of this spin because right now if professions turned against the peoples, they would be doing so globally –simultaneously impacting the sustainability of all societies. Further references for people who want to co-edit blogs: Death of Distance Entrepreneurial Revolution Club of City OpenLondon Game of Fantasy Wealth -which global sector will finish humanity off first unless we all simultaneously help to revalue it? People for Public Broadcasting -journalists for humanity, university of stars , water angels wave Mapping how to openly systemise networked human beings top 10 value multipliers By feathering their nests in the short term, global accountants spread(sheet) monetisation’s plague of only serving the most corrupting and powerful people on the planet. After about 40 compound quarters of this you can turn even a small honest company into a globally corrupting empire (think Enron or any 20 other examples citizens of 2005 can list) Our book believed that, give or take a few years, 2005-2010 would be the most testing ones -did the peoples of our world stand up simultaneously and demand that professionals and governments come over to our sides, and the sustainability of every society. Or will the world be ruined by distrust far faster than nature can complain about her climate being changed. As the hundred or so people who now network Beyond Branding make clear, the omens are not good with the communications and accounting professions. Nothing rules the human relationship system we call organisation more pervasively at every second of our working lives than the numbers that people are measured by and the spaces and content of communications. In the late 1980s, accountants and ad agencies made a pact to value globalising brands by how much they spent on image-making -an extreme opposite to purposeful reality-making. They closed down hi-trust organisation's 2 vital streams : clued conversational spaces and the mathematical maps that enable people to see how the future they are compounding will wave all human value exponentially up or down. Ironically, this was down when all our cultures and all of us most needed organisational democracy to innovate -what networks can openly facilitate towards the greatest learning age of value multipication that humankind has experienced throuigh all our beings. Good news is wherever we host it. eg Discuss Organisational Democracy hosted by Traci's WorldBlu next week in Washington DC with cheerleader David Weinberger 1 2 and a host of glittering young CEOs and entrepreneurs. Bad news: 20 years into spreadsheeting globalisation: the worlds largest organisations are spinning lots of lost purpose –look at cluetrain’s 95 clause charter of what hi-trust human conversations revolve round and see how many of these are being shredded by many of the biggest organisational powers you work for, or encounter as customer, future pensioner, family member concerned for the grassroots integrity of your children’s future society and nations themselves. We should expect every locality of the world will be challenged by its own type of Katrina crisis in the next decade, and better not be smug on how USA failed its first urgent “by and for the peoples” test, until we through every city have learnt from that what it takes for grassroots cooperation mapping. In further parts of this series we will ask you to help us mark sustainability’s cards of all professions. If you know of any links to where each profession’s Beyond is being questioned, please do open source with us. Chris wcbn007@easynet.co.uk permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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What Chris writes above is important. And Norman Macrae’s contribution to The Economist needs to be remembered and reiterated. I used to enjoy the future projections that Norman and his team made, something that seems to be lacking in The Economist; not so much the studies themselves, but a sense of verisimilitude. My money’s still on Norman Macrae, and on Chris, as giving us some of the clearest indicators of where our planet’s heading.
Thanks Jack.
I have been updating a lot of my father's old writings between 1976 Entrepreneurial Revolution to 1984 Death of Distance (DoD) Global Business & Local Community-up challenge It's sad how almost every inspiring construct of dad's that became popular got turned round to have an opposite meaning or learning than my father had started to multiply For example: entrepeneurs need to dare to attract the longest-term investors if needs be, by matching them with the greatest humanly needed inventions. As scares like Peak Oil and birdflu ever more divide peoples, Sustainability investors and entrepreneurs may now be many societies last chance out of extreme poverty to systemise a globalisation end game that compounds a big enough footprint for all 6 billion beings to produce and demand harmoniously. Higher hamrmonised systems are not something our race finds as simple as it could be to value as both Einstein and Buckminster Fuller warned in mathematically true ways, and the likes of Gandhi led. Death of distance postulated 2005-2010 as the most critical years while globalisation's system formed its trajectory : would open people networks win-win-win by multiplying each other's hi-trust gravities, or would the world go to non-transparent global speculative powers in league with short-term national politicians and image-laden media and professionals whose hippocratic oaths had disappeared like cheshire cat's smiles - a nightmare team-global even more destructive than Orwell's pen could write. You can see some of Norman's writings represented in the blogs linked about but if you want to map everything that is systemically wrong with divisive communications and measurements then our emerging blog on the 5th exponential of networking economics is here With all these blogs I would delight in co-editors applying if you can see how to accelerate changes for humanity you want to realise by borrowing some of our 30 years of frames for hi-trust leadership and for openly questioning big power before it conflicts with people too much.
Norman is right on the death of distance and these years being critical. And you can see this being played out right now: we are beginning to question why we should care about Tom and Katie, or Paris v. Nicole. I have even questioned the veracity of the bird ’flu stories along the lines of the media outlet who cried wolf.
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I am not without concern when it comes to government; certainly there was sufficient old-school, spin-driven, unclear policies being spelled out by our conservative opposition during the recent New Zealand General Election. But at a citizen level, there seems to be a desire for those win–wins: I suppose that was a critical reason for my putting so much effort into developing media, so these things can be put into place. Norman was already right in 2004 when mankind’s pressing concern became the gulf between rich and poor—something the Make Poverty History groups tried to push through. My view is that the great pushes must come from something that has the trimmings of the establishment, yet come with a fresh sense of purpose. Again, it’s a motive of mine in media. I can’t do it alone, not by any means, but let’s hope that now and in subsequent years we reach a sufficient tipping point with these efforts, globally. Otherwise we will get another little reminder with another major disaster, just to see how prepared we are as seven billion people to help those in need, and to drop artificial notions of borders and separation. There is only one race on this planet: the human race. October 18, 2005 The takeover of all human conversation
I was going to say when, but I had better say if (because sustainability is now odds against our species) the history of the early 21st C is written doubtless it will be writ: those were the days that all human conversation was taken over by the brand:
with its day after recall in people's conversations, its sporting proxies, its nagging at people's lack of confidence (feel the pain buy me) Back in 1990 I wrote a book World Class brands; it made a plea if we have to have global brands with billion dollar ad budgets in tow, please could they focus on great inspiring purposes of organisations not on nagging propositioning. Clearly not enough marketers heard my plea. Nor was it their fault because the accountants and big ad agencies had already cooked the books: brand valuation algorithms go up the more ad spend you message the brand with; they go down the greater you invest in organisational purpose because that compounds value exponentially over the future, and who cares whether that is on an upward or downwards trajectory -not something the accountant who wants to report the last 90 days performance bothers with (even when it downs one of their own big 5) as long as it monpoloises the boardrooms analysis. Blinder than bats sail we into a collapsing world of flying plagues and katrina's that need grassroots up distribution of intelligence to act on not a superpower cocooned in a white house. When the once head of FEMA said of some poor folk from N.O.: we didnt know people like this existed, that's the final irony of image-making so the top has become so remote that all its immense power couldnt ever reach to the bottom-up anyway All of this is a preamble for quite a long mail on an antidote. I wish we had lots of antidotes- long worded or short provided they are as simple and simpol as this one. But there is a catch you need to play your collaborative part in restoring trust-flow as do I as does every CEO in every land as do the teachers of his school-kids. Now some of you may feel that open space is not about brand at all. I can assure you trust-flow is all about living and learning and listening and co-working purpose.Its all about giving the people back conversation, and boy does the world of 2005 need the people to stand up, like the scene in the Jack Lemmon film, put your head out of the window and shout back I have had enough of conversations being taken over by image-makers rather than progressing the reality-making of life CRIME AGAINST PERSONHOOD: TO HAVE LIVED AND NOT TO HAVE BEEN IN ONE OPEN SPACE I sincerely belief this bold statement from my 2nd open space on I also realise that the Rolls Royce open space of 3 days - much needed if the invitation connects people in deep conflict - is a handicap to getting widespread awareness of what open space is and how natural its practice is This is another reason why I believe we in 80 countries who mentor open space around Harrison Owen 25 years and 50000 stagings should look for opportunities to do 60-90 minute open spaces qualifying that they are not the whole thing but letting people see how lively communications processes involve everyone's flow Here are just 3 situations that I would love to see 60 minute experiments; the first can be done anywhere you are with friends, the second and third I'd love to hear if you find an inaugural stage 1 when you meet friends over coffee; why not bring a set of postits and play the game of gravity pursuit: instead of small talk, what's the biggest issue we could all enjoy talking about today; make the market of what people see that as involving with the postits stuck on the table in front of you; go round the table choosing one postits perspective of the issue; if the coffee hour ends without all topics discussed-ask those who post them whether something's been left out so people can pick up the conversation next time or 1:1 2 I feel it's particular crime that open space isnt used frequently if at all in schools; at least twice a year near the start and near the end would be a good time to get a students open briefing ; probably for every age group up from 9; again apart from the longer period needed to explain this for the very first time, a class could spend an hour getting out the topics of concern to the age group; and at least peers would see how many joint concerns they had; and thoughtful teachers might see that there are life issues that the schools curriculum has siloised, and needs to do better next time. How these issues trended across age groups or over time at a school would be fascinating. What these issues are should also be front page news wherever parents are concerned about their children's upbringing. Why do we do market research but not people development research? This theme is getting the more vital, the more teaching is taught by multichoice standard books. I really dislike this parroted facts format that my nine year old is going through at the moment compared with the way I was taught at 9 3 And what about a company. Why couldnt the start of each working week start with an agenda half hour. OK no time to converse there and then but at least the issues concerning people would be continuously flagged up and transparent management would use this as their input rather than play guessing games. I wrote a book in 1995 about how companies that were serious about leading with an unique purpose and culture and values that supported this would permit interdisciplinary Q&A - as well as custom questions, our research showed 10 that would always be useful to permit people to debate- eg what would the world uniquely miss if our organisation ceased to exist tomorrow-probe by stakeholder, segment, perspective and get all the view out there. This methodology had a surprising sting in the tail. The questions that a particular management group would let everyone converse round told us more about the organisation's purposeful health than I would ever have imagined. There is something similar about not letting employees start the week -or any week of their working life - with a half hour of agendas they want to see open posting. There are probably zillions of other ways open space's molecular freedoms could be brought to the public without having to start with a 3-day event. Any suggestions anyone? We have a London open space blog that looks at these extended methods - we often call these collaboration cafes; and over the 2 years that I have been talking this way hundreds of Londoners have experienced a cafe who might not have ever got to an open space; and through our clubofcity blog that co-syndicates ideas between citizens across all hemispheres collaboration cafes have become one of the ongoing discussion topics. So much so that London now googles as the number 1 knowledge collaboration city - not that intercity collaborators are competing as long as the awareness of the value of open collaboration is on an upward exponential everywhere. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 17, 2005 The Māori Party lives the brand
The Māori Party in New Zealand has opted to stay out of the Labour-led coalition as the new government was formed today. And I have to admire its leaders for that.
The Party’s co-leader, Tariana Turia, was once with Labour and broke away from the party over legislation that she felt was one step too far, attacking the Treaty of Waitangi, the country’s founding document. While some voters may have expected the Māori Party to align itself with Labour—certainly, commentators on election night did—it is refreshing to see Ms Turia and her team look to the long term in forging an identity of its own. It would have been too easy to just succumb to the establishment, as the New Zealand First party did, but this action reinforces the Māori Party’s already successful brand, one which attracted four seats. In 2005, it’s not enough to just play politics: you need clear differentiation. The Green Party once had it before it began to look institutionalized; now the Māori Party’s actions have distinguished it, and as a result, it has brought more light on the issues that affect Māoridom in general. I have always criticized the fact that if New Zealand has Māori as one of the two official languages, then why aren’t the banknotes or street signs bilingual? That is what an immigrant thinks—so imagine how Māori must feel when it comes to a Treaty which offers them ‘joint sovereignty’, all while the system is a modified Westminster one imported from the UK? The first step is to act the brand—one which promises true differences for the Māori people and the fabric of New Zealand as a whole. Despite not being Māori, I am proud to see that. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 16, 2005 One good turn
This week, Lucire begins an above-the-line campaign with a very limited three-month flight in the mainstream media in its first print market of New Zealand. My choice was The New Zealand Herald, an Irish-owned newspaper based in Auckland.
I should note that its rival did feature yours truly and a wee function in that city this Sunday, but there’s a little matter of certain (untrue) rumours that folks there have been spreading. Or one newspaper’s brief to a freelancer to do a hatchet job on me (they are that scared?). New Zealand is an awfully small country and companies need to realize that when their staff go to functions, and they have gone as a representative of that company, walls have ears. In such a case, whatever they might want to say after hours is still attributable in that nice little vicarious way back to the corporation—not necessarily legally, but certainly in the way we now find it hard to divorce the person from his or her place of business at work-related functions. A brand, after all, doesn’t stop at the office doors when one leaves on Friday 5 p.m.: it continues beyond. Therefore, it’s important for a brand to be inclusive of staff—and for staff to live that brand. The top–down model of ‘You will do what I say’ doesn’t seem to work when you haven’t been inclusive of the team’s feelings. It’s far more two-way now, and has been for some time. The consequence of these tiny indiscretions: not only have their actions meant my going after some of their Wellington advertisers (which I left alone prior to them saying something nasty to one of their staff), I am spending with their principal competitor. Unless they would like to make good on their misbehaviours over the last 12 months beyond a single article (though I am grateful for this first olive branch—if that is what it is). permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 15, 2005 FantasyWealth
http://fantasywealth.blogspot.com I have started a fanatsy league blog in which the people can vote for which global market sectors most worry them in terms of ending sustainability for our next generation
It will be interesting to see which sectors get the worst people valuation ratings and whether this has any influence on the mediator that large brands are. I will also look to see if there is a correlation between sectors that concern people and those that spend too much money on advertising. After all why would you need to spend a billiom a year on advertising if you were compounding good worldwuide and with everyone who engages with you? permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 10, 2005 will nature guide London*Pakistan identities to a cooperative future
Comes the crisis, comes the hour, come the people
Suppose Londoners and the people of Pakistan forgave each other all historical mistakes (usually systemic accidents) and just wanted to love multiplying each other's productive futures, would this be the hour to start and how would we rebrand the architeture of London*Pakistan so as to value The COOPERATION that all hi-trust peoples (netizens*citizens) can multiply in a learning network age. Is this a discussion you could contribute to either because you love peoples of both of these places or you see a parallel between peoples of 2 places you love - if som email me at wcbn007@easynet.co.uk and I will update you on what crossroads are emerging now that THE COOPERATION is being piloted in many cities simultaneously. My next personal stop is Washington DC, a place that awestrucks me but then each of us has to get over our greatest fears of power and see if humanity evolves on the other side blossoming with nature permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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October 08, 2005 A fossil fuel-free Sweden
Sweden wishes to be fossil fuel-free by 2020, reports the UK’s Indymedia. Sounds like the advances New Zealand made with natural gas-powered cars in 1979, but since we don’t see many of these gas and gas–petrol hybrids now, it was a case of Big Oil 1, New Zealand People 0. Let’s hope Sweden has more of a will than New Zealand to stay true to its goal.
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Asleep on duty
GM and Ford are reporting concern over the drop in SUV sales. Now, for whom was this not obvious in, say, 1999? Every time I return from Los Angeles or New York, I cough for two weeks as a result of the smog caused by the worsening air pollution.
A brand can cover you for only so long if the product isn’t right. For the most part, it buys you time. If you can invest in the brand, show that you’re not all about guzzling gas and blaming it on the Red Chinese, then that time gets longer. It strengthens any existing image held by consumers of that brand, until you get time to make some real changes. But neither has done much. In terms of compacts, Ford may have its owned brands, like Mazda, doing some good products, but in the US, it’s still selling the C170 Focus, a car obsolete in most of the world. Not much chance it can fight Civics and Corollas. General Motors has pensionable Korean goods, the Saturn Ion and the Chevrolet Cobalt: not exactly sophisticated by Asian, European or even antipodean standards. Other than the Ford Escape, developed by Mazda anyway, where are the hybrids? Where is the evident spending (in America) on socially responsible vehicles? What has helped the brand? Examples of these more positive moves exist, but are fewer than what Toyota and Volkswagen can muster. Indeed, I would not be surprised if, in a few more months, we hear that GM’s production total is playing second-fiddle to Toyota. It gives me no pleasure to say this. permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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Did you hear that SUV (who came up with that catchy little acronym?) sales in New Zealand have increased in the last year?
How's that for depressing?
I'm saddened to hear it, and it's partly thanks to dealers bringing more of them in. Some folks just don't know better.
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October 01, 2005 Urgent Sample Invitation on Cooperation Issuing at every Club of City
Since the Beyond Brand involves revaluing the transparency of every profession and management consultant simultaneously, we are delighted to relay news of this inaugural event being franchised out of Club of London to any Collaboration Knowledge City
London as Premier Knowledge Collaboration City is experimenting with this invitation format we'd love to open source with any city where citizens want to similarly collaborate for common & human progress & love of diversity Please circulate this within your Network/Communal Team. Happy to answer questions Would love someone from your Human Gravity to be there. Alternatively if you want me to drop by your offices Monday or Tuesday morning before travelling to Washington DC to start hosting a parallel event please say Chris Macrae London mob 0793 144 2446 http://cluboflondon.blogspot.com –more on Tuesday’s meeting at http://clubofcoop.blogspot.com transparency & new economics communities www.valuetrue.com http://entrepreneurialrevolution.blogspot.com http://collapsingworld.org est 2003 as London branch of www.globalreconciliationnetwork.org http://gravity200.blogspot.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday 4 Oct 2005 sees the inaugural meeting of London’s Collaboration Club for people on Twin Mission Venue The Hub, Angel Islington: TWIN MISSION 1 Who belong to one or more networks with a goal that requires change a system’s vicious spiralling within 5 year. Examples: Dirty energy to cleansing energy Terrorised Cities to Open Multicultural Cities Externalised Sector Economics to Internalised/Sustainability Investments Bottom of Pyramid Nations to World Sustaining Ones National only politics to Simultaneous World’s People’s Futures Etc TWIN MISSION 2 Who declare need for cooperation both within their network’s change spiral goal and to support wherever possible any other cooperative network with a change spirals Our meeting will seek to open up a common map the first 50 subnetworks we actively belong to that have globalisation and localisation change goals and at least one unique collaborative approach in making this happen. Our peace transforming nets are for and by the people movements rather than traditional gov or non-gov ones permalink ![]() ![]() Comments:
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