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Chapter summary Leadership branding In the chapter on “Leadership Branding” I have based my thinking on the idea that branding is entrepreneurial and thus well connected with leadership. Branding is an economical way to “reproduce” oneself, as an entrepreneur and also as a leaderan efficient and simpler way to lead. The problem of leadership today is that there is usually a great divide between the corporate intentions and the corporate brand and individual leader personalities and personal brands. I have also underlined the fact that branding is communication and that it deals with what happens in other people’s minds. To bridge the management communication gap between business strategies initiated by top management and people and processes in the organisation, branding can be used as a highly efficient tool. Branding proves to be a powerful management toolbox with tools like: issue, Brand Code & Brand Motto and brand storytelling. Personal branding and the Brand Me-method is a way to learn to know yourself better as a leader and establish what you stand forall this in order to become a more authentic leader, a person for your people to respect and like. You can integrate your own personal brand with the brand of your company and analyse the match or mismatch and make a decision to stay or leave the company before it’s too late. If you find a strong match it strengthens your motivation and personal satisfaction. Furthermore, I have introduced a way to map the branding issues of a company, and distribute these issues among the top executives of a company, synchronised with their personal brands. A final conclusion is that branding still offers unique possibilities for leadership in a transparent world with high demands on integrity, and that it is, with many companies and organisations, still an underestimated toolbox for leadership. Read more in the full book Next chapter: What's brand got to do with it?